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250.00 ₸.
Lenquage: Bulgarian
165.00 ₸.
Lenquage: Russian
Living and dead water are “lucky”. Not many medical phenomena have so many names that practically mean the same thing. Therefore, I would like to clarify what, in fact, I am writing about and what you are reading in this book. When talking about dead and living water, I mean solutions obtained by electrolysis. We are talking about two types of solutions.
165.00 ₸.
Lenquage: Russian
Let's get acquainted. My name is Dina Semenovna Aschbach. I am a doctor, candidate of medical sciences, live and work in Germany. Mostly. I also head a clinic in Kyiv and often attend conferences and reports in America, Poland, Lithuania - in general, all over the world. Why am I writing about this? The point is that I am in a unique situation. As a doctor who graduated medical institute and defended his dissertation, I know well the strengths and weaknesses of traditional medicine. At the same time, I have been practicing for 16 years now alternative medicine, I love and respect it.
165.00 ₸.
Lenquage: Russian
Man is a kind of “living” aquatic solution, a “living” set of oxidizing agents and reducing agents that are constantly in interaction (reaction) with each other.
250.00 ₸.
Lenquage: Bulgarian
The theory of the oxidation of the body today occupies a leading place in Europe, because it can explain the methods of treatment of the diseases of the century - diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer.
250.00 ₸.
Lenquage: Polish
W niniejszej książce autorka nie ogranicza się do opisania zadzi wiających właściwości wody o określonych potencjałach redoks* , lecz bardzo dokładnie przedstawia własną, dostępną i efektywną metodę leczenia – przy pomocy wody i dodatków mineralnych – chorób takich jak: cukrzyca typu 1 i 2, gruczolak prostaty, hipertonia (nadciśnienie), choroby onkologiczne, mastopatia (dysplazja sutka) i inne.
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