We have been studying the structure of water for several years. The process is very difficult, requires good technical equipment - we look and photograph the water structure using an optical microscope NU-2E, Carl Zeiss, Germany at 120 times magnification and then record absorption spectra using an automated double-beam spectrometer, type 356, company " Hitachi, Japan. But it is not only technically difficult. A drop of water must be dried slowly and evenly - this is a rather long and motor process. It's good that I have an enthusiastic researcher in my group who devotes days and nights to these studies. But the pictures of water that come out of it are worth it.
First: The structure of tap water is chaotic. From the point of view of physics, this is a heterogeneous solution, when organic and inorganic molecules dissolved in water interact very weakly with each other, i.e. behave individually in solution. Such water does not have any ordered elements in its structure and is considered dead - lifeless.
Фото 1. Хаотична структура водопровідної води
The structure of water after osmosis scared me. It had no structure at all. A clean field with several fragments of destroyed water molecules.
Фото 2. Відсутність структури у води після очищення осмосом
We see a completely different picture of water in the case of medical and recreational waters. The structure of such waters is ordered. This means that these dissolved impurities and the solvent itself - water - constitute a single system in which an ordered structure is realized. This is an important distinction that basically determines the properties of living things and their difference from non-living matter.
All living systems also have an orderly structure. In living nature, all structures are built according to the principle of ordering.
Here, for example, is the water structure of the famous medical resort "Truskavets". The symmetry of the floral pattern is simply amazing
Фото 3. Структура води лікувального курорту «Трускавець».
We also learned to revive the structure of water - for example, with the help of semi-precious minerals. You saw above the absolute emptiness of osmotic water. And here's a picture of the osmotic water after we've run it through our mineralization and ionization flask. Beautiful larch - symmetry and orderliness.
Фото 4. Повернення структури осмотичної води після колби мінералізації та іонізації.
In the picture you can see the structure of ionized water with negative redox potential and alkaline pH after the mineralization and ionization flask. Water has an ordered structure and repeating elements.
Very beautiful structures are produced by electrical ionization in Ashbach ionizers 02 and 04. After electrical ionization, the pattern is always central - it goes from the center.
Фото 5. Струтура води після іонізаторів Ашбах 02 та Ашбах 04.
And in the flow ionizer with platinum electrodes, the water becomes not only crystal clear, but also acquires a snowflake structure. And also a drawing from the center
Фото 6. Струтура сніжинки після проточного іонізатора Ашбах 05.
Very interesting structures are obtained after treating water with different compositions of minerals. For example, I have an excellent mineral complex "Antiallergic". Helps with all allergic diseases - seasonal rhinitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, bronchial asthma, allergic dermatitis. With all these diseases, autoimmune complexes are formed in the body, which cause a hyperreaction of the immune system. That is, the immune system reacts to such complexes unnecessarily harshly and imperceptibly. Instead of destroying allergens, it attacks its own tissues and organs, causing their damage. Traditional medicine uses immunosuppressants for these diseases - i.e. agents that suppress the reaction of the immune system. This is a poor treatment option - a weak immune system means a person's lack of protection against infectious and viral diseases and cancer. We remove these autoimmune complexes from the body with the help of ionized water with minerals. Very effective treatment. And the structure of the water after such treatment with ionized water with the "Antiallergic" mineral complex is very interesting.
Фото 7. Струтура води після мінерального іонізатора.
You will find the minerals of the "Antiallergic" complex in the "Antiallergic" decanters and the "Antiallergic" thermal glass.