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Treatment of mastopathy

Treatment of mastopathy with ionized solutions with the addition of trace elements

Mastopathy is a mammary gland disease characterized by tissue growth, pain, and pathological secretion. The main disorders that lead to this disease are hormonal, acid-alkaline, and reproductive imbalances in the body. These violations, in turn, lead to violations in the hormonal sphere - hyperproduction of estrogens (female sex hormones). Hyperproduction of estrogens provokes pathological growth of ducts, connective (fibrous) and glandular tissues of the breast. At the same time, the lumps in the mammary gland, characteristic of the premenstrual period, persist even after menstruation.

A certain role can be played by the increased production of prolactin. The role of prolactin is especially important during pregnancy, when the mammary gland prepares for lactogenesis - milk production. At this time, there is physiological proliferation (growth) of gland tissues. After the end of lactation (feeding period), the intensity of prolactin production should decrease. A pathological increase in prolactin outside of pregnancy and lactation is the reason for the development of mastopathy. Often there is not a permanent, but a temporary increase in the level of prolactin, usually at night. (therefore, it may not be detected during a standard hormonal examination). Such irregular bursts of hormone secretion cause swelling, swelling, and tenderness in the mammary glands.

There are two types of mastopathy - diffuse mastopathy and nodular mastopathy. In diffuse mastopathy, growth of connective tissue of the gland prevails, and many cysts appear in the milk ducts. Nodular mastopathy is accompanied by the formation of one or more nodes in the chest. Mastopathy is considered a precancerous disease.

Treatment of mastopathy with ionized solutions and herbs

 I have accumulated quite a large and successful experience in the treatment of mastopathy. In the treatment of mastopathy, I use solutions of trace elements with changed parameters, activated herbs - phytotherapy, regulate the body's acid-alkaline and hormonal balance. I have 2 rules in phytotherapy. The first rule: I never prescribe one plant (monotherapy), but always - a collection of herbs. There should be at least 10 herbs in the collection (I like collections of 14 herbs), then they will act in different directions of the pathogenesis of the disease, and the patient will not develop addiction and side effects.

The second rule - I change the redox potential of the water collection of herbs. This increases the properties of herbs and makes them more targeted, which makes the use of herbs in this form much more effective. Creating a collection of herbs for a patient with mastopathy is an individual matter. The composition of the herbs depends on the age of the patient, the presence of stomach or intestinal diseases, the state of the thyroid gland, the duration of the menstrual cycle, and the duration of the disease. In addition to taking herbs internally, I prescribe lotions, compresses, rubbing on herbs and ionized solutions. Treatment usually lasts for six months (3 times for 40 days) with a 15-day break. After the disappearance of nodes and compactions, a cycle of treatment with activated trace elements and herbs is carried out prophylactically for a month once a year.

Examples from clinical practice:

example 1. Patient D, 27 years old. Bilateral fibrocystic mastopathy. complaints about the formation of multiple nodules in the mammary glands with sizes from 0.5 to 1.5 cm in diameter. Nodules are moderately painful on palpation, easily displaced, have a soft-elastic consistency. Menstruation started late, painful. Mastopathic nodes during menstruation are also painful. Frequent constipation. Infertility for 4 years. An interesting course and an unexpected result of the treatment: already after the first two stages - cleaning the body and regulating the acid-alkaline balance, the work of the intestines improved and a regular stool appeared. Against this background, the first menstruation in the course of treatment was almost painless. After the end of the second 40-day cycle, against the background of the complete absence of complaints, the nodules disappeared from the mammary glands. We did not have time to complete the third course - the patient became pregnant.

Example 2.Excerpt from a letter. Good afternoon, Dina Semenivna. I promised to send you the results of mastopathy treatment. Sorry for the delay. I am writing I want to say right away that I take my health seriously, but without fanaticism (gymnastics, a simple healthy diet, and timely dental treatment – it seems that's all). And, unfortunately, I follow the recommendations, not to the full extent, but only when it burns and when it does not interfere with work and adheres to at least minimal comfort and appearance.

In order. In October 2011, I woke up on a Saturday morning with severe, sharp pain in my left breast. Palpation revealed a lump the size of a walnut. As I was told, the neoplasm could be with fluid inside or just a growth of the connective tissue of the breast. Mammography confirmed the second option. From the received recommendations, the neoplasm is unlikely to disappear by itself, painful sensations can be relieved by symptomatic means, it is necessary to observe that the tumor does not turn into a malignant one. To treat and provide the family with good drinking water, we bought a "Platinum Hybrid" electrolyzer. Drinking ionized water with microelements against mastopathy in the first two weeks was not very pleasant and led to the appearance of allergic swelling on the legs and persistent disgust for the taste of these solutions. However, I completed the first and second stages of treatment related to drinking. She kept putting off applications and douching until she found that the tumor had completely disappeared (at first it shrunk a little, and then it was gone at all, not even a trace), and decided that it was okay to stop there. Now I drink living water as normal drinking water - about a liter a day. I also slightly adjusted my diet - I don't eat red meat at all. As for tea - only herbal tea, it was like that before, coffee - only with milk, I don't drink alcohol at all. As support, I used the amino acid L-arginine, bust cream with the BioBustil complex and increased the amount of nuts in the diet. Dino Semenivno, I want to sincerely thank you for your participation and your excellent work, recommendations and devices. Good luck! Sincerely, Lyudmila K

Example 3.Excerpt from a letter. Greetings, dear Dina Semenivna, I want to express my deep gratitude to you. Thank you for restoring our health, thank you for your unique developments. I want to remind you about myself and ask a few questions. I came to you for the first time last November with a diagnosis of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy. The breasts almost doubled in size and burned, there were discharges, a painful induration was formed on the left side. I went to the doctor - they said I had to do an operation. And my mother died of breast cancer 10 years ago. In short, I was horrified at the thought of surgery and lived on analgin and valerian. Then I accidentally bought your book, called, bought the device, herbs and microelements, started remote treatment.

The pain went away in about a week. After 3 months, the seals disappeared by touch. In May, I finished all the herbs and then just drank for five minutes. In June, she did a mammogram - no lumps were found. The diagnosis of mastopathy seems to have been removed. It has been almost six months, so far everything is fine, and my question is: do I need to repeat the course of treatment, and if so, how many times and with what interval.

And also: how often can you do a mammogram or can you just do a self-examination?

With respect and great gratitude. Maria V...

Example 4.Patient B, 52 years old. Bilateral fibrocystic mastopathy. Nodular fibromyoma of the uterus 10-11 weeks. From the author: By the way, a very common option is mastopathy and myoma. It is clear that violations of the hormones of the sexual sphere most often affect several organs dependent on these hormones.

Complaints: of constant aching pain in the mammary glands in the last year, the appearance of multiple nodes in the breast and discharge from the nipples during menstruation. In addition, periodic intense cutting pains in the abdomen with radiation to the lower back are disturbing. Nodules in the mammary glands appeared about 3 years ago. They have increased in size and become painful in the last year. Very afraid of cancer. The menstrual cycle is preserved, 28-30 days, menstruation in the last year is abundant. The first day he cannot leave the house at all because of heavy bleeding. An operation on the uterus was offered - she refused. Drinks nettle infusion. Complains of hot flashes, hot flushes, pressure rise, nausea, dizziness (from the author: signs of early menopause). The climax is hard to bear. Two months ago, she was examined by a gynecologist and an oncologist - there are no data on the oncological process. The uterus is enlarged to 9-10 weeks. pregnancy.

In this case, I tried to persuade the woman to operate on uterine fibroids - in my opinion, the bleeding was related to the fibroid node in the uterus. Extirpation (removal) of the uterus is not carried out in such cases - the node is simply removed. But the woman was terrified of surgery and cancer. In addition, she was at the beginning of the climacteric period - this gave hope that the activity of estrogens will subside in the coming years and the myoma will grow and will not manifest itself clinically. Therefore, I concentrated my attention on eliminating climacteric phenomena, improving bowel function, and introduced anti-myoma and gonadotropic herbs into the herbal collection. In addition, colloidal silver douching and mineral showers were prescribed (helps very well with menopause). Results of treatment after 6 months: Nodules from the mammary glands have decreased in quantity and size, there are no discharges from the nipples, pain is not bothering. Menstruation has become less abundant, on the first day he freely goes outside. After the climax: nausea and pressure spikes disappeared. The tides remained, but became less intense. Fibroma An ultrasound scan shows a decrease in the myoma nodule up to 7-8 weeks. This woman's treatment continues, so we will observe the dynamics.

Example 5. Patient D. 38 years old. Complaints of pain and discharge from the right mammary gland. During palpation in the upper outer quadrant of mammary gland, a seal was found that was not connected to the underlying tissues. Ultrasound: In the right mammary gland, an area of reduced echogenicity of an irregular elongated shape with dimensions of 1.8 x 6.3 cm is visualized. Conclusion: Nodular mastopathy of the right mammary gland. The woman underwent a 3-stage treatment with ionized solutions with trace elements and herbs. Conclusion of ultrasound after 8 months: No changes in echogenicity were detected in the right mammary gland

Before treatment Before treatment of mestopathies After treatment After treatment of mesopathy

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