Treatment of hypertension with ionized solutions with trace elements.
Arterial hypertension, or, as it is often called, hypertensive disease, is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system. The modern way of life has led to the fact that 39.2% of men and 41.4% of women in our country have high blood pressure, and half of them do not know about their disease. The cause of more than 50% of deaths in Russia are direct complications of hypertension - stroke, myocardial infarction, heart failure, kidney failure.
In 10–15% of cases, hypertension is associated with stress and increased secretion of adrenaline (stress hormone). Adrenaline causes the heart to contract more frequently, at the same time more blood is thrown out and the pressure rises above the norm. Moreover, if a healthy person's pressure, which is elevated on an emotional background, returns to normal quite quickly, then if the patient is prone to hypertension, this condition does not pass for a long time. There is one more feature: even in a healthy person, with frequent repetition of stressful situations, hypertension is gradually fixed for a longer time.
High blood pressure gradually begins to be perceived by the body as normal. That is why mental overstrain is one of the main risk factors for hypertension.
For many years, it was believed that the increased use of sodium (NaCl, chlorine) leads to an increase in blood pressure. This was confirmed by the facts of increased blood pressure in hypertensive patients after excessive use of salt, and vice versa, a decrease in blood pressure during a long-term diet without salt. Recent studies have proven that only 50% of hypertensive patients are "salt sensitive".
New researchers conclude that the increase in blood pressure as a result of the consumption of table salt is explained by the presence of chloride in it, not so much sodium, as previously claimed. More and more recently, the opinion is expressed that the only culprit of increased pressure is the chloride anion. This is confirmed by the fact that in other compounds, for example, sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), which is found in many mineral waters, sodium does not have any effect that increases pressure.
In approximately 20-25% of cases, hypertension is associated with sclerosis of arteries and the development of atherosclerotic plaques on the vessel walls. The lumen in the vessels narrows, and in order to maintain normal blood supply to the body, the heart has to drive blood through the vessels with greater force. This increases blood pressure. Recently, great importance has been attached to the activity of free radicals in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
Why does catholyte with trace elements help in the treatment of hypertension?
The fact that ionized solutions can lower blood pressure was first noticed in patients with diabetes. In many of our patients who drank catholyte, a decrease and subsequent stabilization of pressure was observed. Moreover, patients drank catholyte for 4-6 weeks, and pressure stabilization was observed for a long time even after treatment, so many patients refused to take antihypertensive drugs. Upon further study of this effect, we found microelements more suitable for the treatment of hypertension, and thus the technique of using ionized solutions with microelements for the treatment of hypertension arose.
The most important factor that reduces pressure in blood vessels is nitric oxide NO, which is generated in the endothelium of vessels, provides relaxation of the smooth muscles of the vascular wall and regulates the level of blood pressure, coronary and organ blood flow, and also prevents platelet aggregation. The value of this molecule for the occurrence of hypertension is so great that in 1998 NO researchers received the Nobel Prize.
The absence or lack of NO causes an increase in blood pressure. That is why organic nitrates (for example, nitroglycerin) have become widespread in cardiology. These are substances that release NO in the body, thereby replacing the missing molecules of nitric oxide.
Free radicals and, in particular, superoxide are the main factor that destroys NO. Superoxide reacts with nitric oxide to form toxic substances - peroxynitrite and hydroxyl radical.
•N=O + •O-O- + H+ — > O=N-O-OH (peroxynitrite)
O=N-O-OH — > O=N-O• + HO• (hydroxyl radical)
Lack of NO causes increased blood pressure, ischemia of various organs, heart failure.
In atherosclerosis, for example, the endothelium of the vessel walls cannot produce NO in the normal amount, as the surface of the vessel wall is covered with atherosclerotic plaques. Therefore, hypertension and atherosclerosis are inseparable friends. Oxidative stress and the release of the superoxide radical are the cause and accompany hypertension, increasing its course and causing severe complications.
The decrease in blood pressure after taking catholyte is explained, on the one hand, by its ability to neutralize the superoxide radical, and on the other hand, by the content of microelement ions, which have the ability to lower blood pressure.
Finally, I can say that by taking ionized solutions we managed to lower blood pressure in 95% of hypertensive patients.