What is intestinal dysbiosis?
Intestinal dysbiosis is a change in the composition of intestinal bacteria. Many believe that bacteria in the intestines is a pathology. This is completely wrong. Man is a part of nature. We live in a world inhabited by many living creatures and many living creatures LIVE IN US. Most bacteria are around us and inside us. More than 400 different types of bacteria live in the intestines of an adult.
Their total weight ranges from 3 to 5 kg, and the number is approximately 100 trillion!
You can imagine these trillions of living things that we carry with us all the time! It is natural that they live, reproduce, excrete their waste products (relative to humans, they poop and pee and breathe and exhale) and they do all this in our intestines!
All bacteria in the intestines are divided into harmful and beneficial (lactobacteria and bifidobacteria are beneficial bacteria). They secrete into the intestines useful products for us - lactic, formic and succinic acids, amino acids and proteins, vitamins B1, B2, nicotinic and folic acids.
But pathogenic bacteria (putrefactive and purulent) secrete poisons and carcinogens. Lacto- and bifidobacteria have many properties that are important for human health.
But their active vital activity directly depends on the pH value. That is, they can live and reproduce only at a certain pH.
The duodenum normally has a pH of 56-79.
The small intestine and duodenum are within the alkaline pH range of 7 to 8.
The pH in the small intestine should be alkaline: 7.2–7.5 pH.
Acidity of colonic juice is alkaline: 85-90 pH.
If the pH of the intestine is normal, the lactic acid bacteria will cope by themselves and inhibit the reproduction of putrefactive and purulent bacteria. If the pH of the intestine is disturbed, the number of lactic acid bacteria decreases, and the number of pathogenic bacteria increases. This condition is called dysbiosis. The development of putrefactive flora in the intestines leads to the occurrence of putrefaction and fermentation processes. The products of putrefaction and fermentation, as well as distension of the intestines with gases cause stool disorder, flatulence, belching, unpleasant taste in the mouth, pain of various nature, colic, spasms. The products of the vital activity of pus-forming and putrefactive bacteria are poisons, naturally, when they enter the blood, they cause toxic and allergic reactions. For example, with dysbacteriosis, the exchange of the amino acid histidine is disturbed, as a result of which the amount of the toxic product histamine increases, which causes allergic reactions in both children and adults.
Lacto- and - bifidobacteria are natural biosorbents, they are able to absorb heavy metals, phenols, formaldehydes and other toxic substances that enter the human body together with food, water, medicines, and infection. Pathogenic bacteria do not want and cannot perform these functions. Therefore, the intestine loses its ability to absorb and neutralize toxic products. In case of intestinal dysbiosis, the functions of decontamination are disrupted and the entire burden of decontamination is transferred to the liver.
Dysbacteriosis leads to disruption of absorption processes and all types of metabolism: absorption of iron, calcium, production of vitamins decreases. Such clinical phenomena as anemia, dystrophy, polyvitaminosis appear. Thus, in children, intestinal dysbacteriosis leads to a decrease in calcium absorption, therefore, rickets and insufficient weight gain occur in children with dysbacteriosis 10 times more often than in healthy children, and serve as a background for the development of pneumonia.
With dysbacteriosis in adults, there is an active decrease in the assimilation of calcium, which leads to osteoporosis, brittle bones, numbness of the fingers and toes, and convulsions.
In recent years, another important role of bifidobacteria has been discovered — the ability to influence the body's fat metabolism, by reducing the cholesterol content and normalizing the level of lipoproteins and phospholipids. And also: until you cure dysbacteriosis, no diets will help. You can lose weight only with a healthy intestine!
Here is a list of diseases that are caused or aggravated by dysbacteriosis:
dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, constipation),
flatulence, smell from rotanemiagastritis,
duodenitis, increased cholesterol level, rheumatoid arthritis, malignant neoplasms of the intestines, gallstone disease, allergic dermatitis - eczema,
neuroderma disease,
related to a violation of water-salt metabolism (K, Ca, Zn, Cu, etc.).
Therefore, we can say that a person is healthy when the beneficial microflora inhabiting his intestines is healthy. In order to defeat dysbacteriosis, it is necessary (and, as a rule, sufficient) to create favorable living conditions for our little "helpers" - bifidobacteria.
They will do the rest themselves.
Currently, for the treatment of dysbacteriosis tradtraditional medicine uses antibiotics. This is a completely wrong concept - because antibiotics kill not only pathogenic flora, but also necessary milk bacteria. As a result of such "treatment", dysbacteriosis only worsens and turns into a severe form, which is accompanied by the development of fungal flora - candidiasis.
Much better treatment is drugs containing live cultures of normal microflora (bifidobacteria, lactobacteria), as well as probiotics. This treatment helps, but very often attempts to cure dysbacteriosis in this way are unsuccessful, because healthy flora is planted in the intestines without simultaneous sanitation. In addition, very few people know how to normalize the pH of the intestine — and without pH regulation, it is impossible to create favorable conditions for the beneficial microflora of the intestine.
Therefore, to cure dysbiosis, you need:
clean up the intestines and destroy pathogenic bacteria (but not in any case not with antibiotics)!
restore the acid-alkaline balance - correct intestinal pH,
restore the population of lacto- and bifidobacteria
create favorable living and breeding conditions for lacto- and bifidobacteria.
How do we treat dysbacteriosis by Dina Aschbach's method?
1) Buy water ionizer "Ashbach 04" + microelements "Cleansing" + herbs "Shkt"
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2) Buy water ionizer "Ashbach 02" + microelements "Cleansing" + herbs "Shkt"
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3) Buy water ionizer "Vivo" + trace elements "Cleansing" + herbs "Shkt"
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Individual instructions for the disease will be written for each treatment option.