Man is a homeostatic system. This means that in order to live, the body must maintain the constancy of the internal environment - temperature, pressure, acid-alkaline balance, redox potential. If the environment is much different from our internal parameters, then the organism either tries to adapt to extreme conditions or - if it cannot do it - dies. For example, let's take such a parameter as temperature. Our body temperature is 36.6. The favorable temperature of the environment in which we feel comfortable has quite wide parameters - from 16 to 22 degrees. And for example, 55 degrees of heat is unfavorable external conditions - the temperature of the environment is very different from our internal temperature. In order not to overheat (get sick), the body includes adaptation mechanisms. We drink a lot, sweat a lot, spend a lot of energy fighting the heat, and get tired quickly. Constant 55 degrees depletes the body's internal reserves and shortens life expectancy, and extreme heat of 60 degrees is already dangerous for life - overheating of the body can lead to death.
If we look at water from the point of view of preserving the stability of the internal environment, the best way to preserve health and longevity for a person is water that has the same parameters as the internal environment of the body - blood, plasma, intercellular fluid.
What does it mean?
This means that for health, a person needs not only water purified from chlorine, heavy metals and hardness salts, but water that is physiologically compatible (coincides in terms of parameters) with the internal environment of a person.
The most important physiological parameters of the internal environment are pH and redox potential (ORP).
The same parameters can be found (and measured!) not only in water, but also in any liquid (juice, beer, vodka). If these parameters coincide with the pH and ORP parameters of a person, the water drunk (juice, beer, lemonade) is perfectly physiologically suitable for the internal environment of a person and brings him health and energy. If the pH and ORP parameters of the drink drunk do not match the parameters of the human internal environment, then the person will have to use up internal reserves of minerals, antioxidants and energy to bring the parameters of the drink into line with their internal environment.
As a result, such a drink not only takes away energy from the body, but can cause a number of diseases.