Treatment of prostate adenoma with ionized solutions with trace elements
Treatment of prostate adenoma according to the Aschbach method
Prostate gland (prostate) - an organ consisting of muscles and glandular tissue, is part of the reproductive system. The prostate is located in the pelvic area directly below the bladder, has the size and shape of a chestnut and weighs about 20-30 grams. Adenoma of the prostate gland (adenoma of the paraurethral glands, adenoma of the prostate, benign hyperplasia of the prostate gland) is an increase in the mass and volume of the prostate gland, which occurs in men after the age of 50 and is caused by hormonal changes in the male body. At the age of 70, the vast majority of men have one or another degree of prostate hyperplasia. At the same time, if benign prostatic hyperplasia does not cause a narrowing of the urethra and does not cause a violation of the outflow of urine from the bladder, then it does not require treatment.
Three types of adenomas are distinguished by structure and location:
- The tumor through the urethra penetrates into the bladder, deforming the internal sphincter and disrupting its function.
- The tumor increases toward the rectum, urination is slightly impaired, but the loss of contractility of the urethra does not allow the bladder to be completely emptied of urine.
- The tumor grows inside the prostate gland, not enlarging it, but compacting it, while neither retention of urine in the bladder nor urinary disorders are observed. This is the most favorable, but also a rare type of adenoma. In the clinical course of the disease, three stages are distinguished:
- The first stage of the disease is characterized by the following signs: accelerated urination at night, sometimes up to 5-8 times. Sluggish stream of urine. Difficulty urinating gradually occurs. To empty the bladder, you have to strain. If the adenoma develops in the first form, urinary incontinence during sleep is possible, since the internal sphincter deformed by the adenoma does not prevent its outflow from the bladder. Residual urine in the bladder in the first stage of the disease is either absent or reaches 20 ml. Complete emptying of the bladder is achieved thanks to the redundant (compensatory) function of the muscle wall of the bladder (detrusor), but after some time this function is exhausted and the disease moves into the second stage.
- In the second stage, the symptoms of the disease are more intense. The stream of urine becomes vertical, interrupted by drops, the patient is forced to strain, which causes the formation of a hernia or prolapse of the rectum. After the hypertrophy of the muscle fibers of the bladder characteristic of the first stage, their thinning occurs - atony of the bladder walls. The part of the bladder wall that is free from muscle fibers is pulled out from between them, forming bags (bladder diverticula) in which residual urine collects. Its amount, at first, is 100-200 ml, then it reaches 300-500 ml. With hypertrophy of the wall of the bladder, rough folding is formed, which prevents the active flow of urine into the bladder from the upper urinary tract, due to which it stagnates in the ureters and kidneys. Symptoms of complications appear - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, painful urination. At this stage, any provoking factor - hypothermia, cold, urinary retention, overwork, mental stress, diet disorders, can cause painful urges to urinate, pain in the perineum, and then in the suprapubic area and lower back. Complete retention of urine develops as a complication. This is a very serious condition when the patient cannot urinate. In this case, urine is removed with a catheter in a hospital. After that, urination is restored in some patients, others are forced to constantly wear a catheter.
- In the third stage, the contractility of the bladder drops to a minimum, the amount of residual urine increases to 1.5-2 liters. The bladder is sharply stretched, its contours are visible in the form of a spherical or oval tumor that reaches the navel, and sometimes rises higher, its sensitivity decreases, patients suffer less from urinary retention and mistakenly believe that there has been an improvement. Nevertheless, at night, and then during the day, urine is periodically or constantly released involuntarily, in drops from an overfilled bladder. Patients have to constantly use a urinal. In the third stage, a number of complications caused by kidney failure are manifested: complete loss of appetite, weakness, thirst, dry mouth, nausea, constipation. Depression, exhaustion, the smell of urine from the mouth are symptoms of self-poisoning with nitrogenous slags, elevated temperature indicates an aggravation of the infection - a constant companion of stagnant urine. Very often, this condition leads to irreversible kidney damage (acute or chronic renal failure).
- Finger rectal examination of the prostate gland;
- Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) - a moderate increase is characteristic of prostate adenoma, a sharp increase - prostate cancer. The ratio of free PSA / total PSA is less than 15% at a concentration of PSA in blood serum of 3-10 μg/l indicates an increased probability of prostate cancer;
- Uroflowmetry - measurement of urine outflow velocityUZDMeasurement of residual urine in the bladder
The most common complication of prostate adenoma is cystitis, chronic or acute urinary retention, acute or chronic renal failure, formation of stones and diverticula (protrusion of the walls) in the bladder, bleeding from the bladder neck.
Prostate adenoma treatment (prostate adenoma treatment)
Until recently, it was believed that the main method of treatment for adenoma is the removal of the prostate gland - adenomectomy. However, this operation is very traumatic, has many contraindications and causes many complications. Conservative therapy is carried out either with hormonal drugs or alpha-reductase or herbal drugs. Hormone therapy blocks the synthesis of testosterone (a male hormone) by the testicles at the level of the brain or prevents the action of male hormones on the prostate gland. Hormonal drugs include zoladex, buserelin, depostat, flutamide, casodex, androkur. However, currently drugs of this group are used in a limited way due to frequent severe side effects and high price. 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors - finasteride (proscar) and episteride. Affect sexual activity, ejaculate, cause a decrease in sexual desire. Preparations of plant origin - permixon, tadenan (trianol), harzol, peponen, speman, optimal, pumpkin. They have anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect. However, treatment with phytopreparations is long-term - at least one year. As soon as the administration of the drug ends, all clinical signs of the adenoma return. Alpha-blockers - prazosin, alfuzosin, doxazosin, terazosin, tamsulosin. Side effects include: malaise, weakness, dizziness, headache, rapid heartbeat, so treatment with alpha-adrenergic blockers should be started with minimal doses.
We have long and successfully used ionized solutions with a certain composition of trace elements in the treatment of prostate adenoma.
What changes are observed in patients with prostate adenoma when using ionized solutions with trace elements?
In patients, complaints about nocturnal urination and delays before the start of urination practically disappear, the stream of urine becomes stronger, the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder disappears. Residual urine in the bladder at 1-2 stage of the disease is absent, at 3 stage of the disease it drops to 30-50 ml. All uroflowmetry data change to the positive side. On ultrasound, 90% of patients showed a decrease in the size and weight of the adenoma by up to 30%. Adenoma growth stops. PSA decreases, often normalizes to normal. Usually, with stage 1-2 adenoma, it is enough to conduct a five-week course of therapy with ionized solutions with microelements, with stage 3 – a 10-week course. Then the patient drinks water with a negative potential and repeats the course with trace elements once a year to consolidate the results. Treatment of prostate adenoma with ionized solutions does not cause any side effects, is effective and does not require constant financial expenses.
Examples from clinical practice:
Patient C, 68 years old. Complaints before treatment: urinating at night up to 4-5 times, a very sluggish stream of urine (for shoes), delays before urinating up to 1 minute, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Examined: ultrasound - prostatic hyperplasia grade 2 B, residual urine - 80 ml, PSA - 6.5. He underwent a 5-week course of ionized solutions with trace elements, for 3 months he is on supportive drinking water with a negative redox potential. Status: wakes up once at night, sometimes sleeps all night. Delays before urination disappeared, the stream became stronger, the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder disappeared. Ultrasound control: the size of the adenoma has decreased by approximately 30% and there is no residual urine. PSA after treatment: 5.1 μg/l
Patient L.G., 76 years old, Israel. Very large adenoma of the prostate gland (9.5 x 9.1 x 9.8 cm), PSA - 28.5, number of structures at night 6 - 7, sick for 25 years. I decided to have an operation. The urologist prescribed DUODART medication 2 months before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor and lower the PSA level. After 2 days of reception, the patient could not take the medicine, because pulse rose to 110 beats/min. (one of the side effects of this drug), the amount of urine excreted decreased to 70-80 cubic centimeters, the amount of residual urine increased to 300 cubic centimeters, the number of night wakings increased sharply to 10-12. The patient had to wake up after an alarm clock , i.e. to. the bladder did not give signals to empty