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Dina Ashbach
Дина Ашбах
Ionizers, electric activators, water electrolyzers, stationary, flow-through, with mineral filler.
Electric ionizers for pitta and treatment
High-quality devices that can change the quality of your life
Mineral ionizers for healing and treatment
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Doctors have a certain opinion about reverse osmosis water purification technology, which takes into account both the positive and negative aspects of this technology.

Positive aspects of technology:
Reverse osmosis cleans water well from organic and chemical impurities, salts, and bacteria. Effective water purification is explained by the structure of the filter, which allows water molecules to pass through, but retains most of the pesticides, nitrates, radionuclides, viruses, microorganisms, and harmful chemical impurities. Chlorine molecules, dissolved carbon dioxide and volatile organic substances (insecticides and herbicides) are not retained by osmosis because they are smaller than water molecules. Therefore, many reverse osmosis filters have pre-filters, the function of which is to remove this "trifle" from the water.

Negative aspects of technology
Reverse osmosis makes water with an acidic pH.
There is a lot of talk about oxidation of the body and oxidation diseases. Both doctors and patients know that the acid-alkaline balance of nutrition in modern conditions is disturbed. 80% of the foods we consume release acids when broken down. After all, our blood is alkaline - it has a slightly alkaline pH of 7.35-7.45. The body keeps these parameters very strictly, because the elimination of the limit of these parameters entails catastrophic consequences for a person, up to death. Therefore, the body throws away all its alkaline reserves (these are minerals), pulling them out of the teeth, bones, and muscles, in order to prevent the elimination of the pH of the blood. Water after osmosis treatment has an acidic pH: from 56 to 62. Taking into account the shift in the balance of food to the acidic side, the use of acidic water also leads to mineral deficiency diseases and diseases of body oxidation.

Reverse osmosis increases the redox potential (redox potential) of water.
Tap water already has a high redox potential (from plus 200 mV to plus 280 mV), which makes it a free radical in relation to body cells. Osmosis further increases the oxidizing-radical properties of water. Water after osmosis has a redox potential of plus 250 mV to plus 350 mV. The occurrence and development of more than 20 diseases, including diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and cancer, are now associated with the damaging effect of free radicals.

Reverse osmosis makes the water weakly mineralized. And double osmosis makes the water generally distilled.
In most reverse osmosis filters, water mineralization is within 30-50 mg/l. For comparison: in distilled water, this indicator is equal to 10 mg/l, and the level of mineralization recommended by WHO for drinking water is 1000 mg/l!!
This means that after purification by osmosis, the whole family drinks water containing very few minerals (and minerals are the main components of bone, muscle, nervous tissue, are part of almost all organs - the liver, thyroid gland, heart, spleen), play the most important role in the functioning of the heart.

The main argument of the osmosis manufacturer is that the minerals in the water are inorganic salts and are absorbed by the human body by only 15%. The remaining salts will remain insoluble and will be deposited in organs and tissues.
And this is really not an advertising statement of the seller-manufacturer. In the West, they realized the small value of inorganic salts of minerals for humans. Medical doctor AntoniusM. Schmid writes in his article "Mineral water: good or bad:
"It is surprising that doctors do not understand the big difference between inorganic and organic minerals. Inorganic salts of minerals are useless to our body, they are even harmful. They attach to cholesterol crystals and form hard, insoluble compounds with vessel walls that narrow the vessel walls. They are deposited on the walls of the kidney glomeruli and eventually lead to limitation of kidney function. Kidney stones are formed from them. You can compare what happens to the blood vessels and glomeruli of the kidneys in your body with what happens to the water supply pipes, on which you can clearly see calcium deposits - the vessels are also calcified and covered with a hard plaque that narrows their lumen.

But without minerals at all - even without these 1%, which are still absorbed by the body, it also turned out to be bad. Doctors who encounter diseases caused by drinking osmotic water write a lot about this. And the manufacturer himself realized his mistake and is now adding minerals to the new generation osmosis system. But it takes about 36, and adds 2 - calcium and magnesium. And again in the form of non-absorbable inorganic salts.

In my profession related to health and water, I encounter more often than other doctors the problems of people who use water after osmosis filters.

This is what I observed during my practice:
• Mineral deficiency diseases – osteoporosis and periodontal disease
• Aggravation of problems with the spine and joints - disc protrusions, resorption of bone tissue, arthrosis.
• Worsening of vision problems - progression of cataracts, myopia in children. Glaucoma improves faster - but I can't say for sure.
• Adverse effect on the activity of the thyroid gland. If there was already hypo or hyperthyroidism, the condition worsened.
• Viral, herpes infections. Most often a virus Epstein-Barr. It is not related to water contamination, most likely - demineralized water changes the processes of absorption in the intestines and thus disrupts the balance of bacteria in the intestines, which creates a favorable environment for the development of viral and herpes infections.
• Direct action on the intestinal mucosa, as a sign - increased gas production.
• Allergic reactions in children. Apparently due to oxidation of the body.

So: Osmosis is a good water purification system with a few major flaws.
• Acidic pH
• Increased redox potential (redox potential) of water
• Lack of minerals in the water.
The third point is quite difficult to solve. Simply adding minerals in the form of inorganic salts will not solve the problem - as you already understood, they are inefficiently broken down in the human body - ie. have poor digestibility.
Two types of minerals are well absorbed: in ionized form and in the form of organic salts (because the body itself can convert them into ionized form). As for the organic salts of minerals, we will leave them to the pharmaceutical industry. She has already well understood, understood this problem and earns millions from it - she produces minerals in the form of organic salts (mainly chelates), the so-called "living minerals". Mineral ions, being in the shell of amino acids, are easily broken down by the body. But the cost! - Chelated minerals are expensive and it makes no sense to buy a reverse osmosis filter first and then to buy chelated minerals.

Can these disadvantages of osmosis be eliminated effectively and inexpensively?
My company has been working on this issue for several years and has created an osmosis mineralizer in the form of an Ashbach flow-through flask, which can be combined with all household filter systems.
The filter-mineralizer "Ashbach" is filled with:
• mineral granulate, which releases calcium, potassium, magnesium, silicon, zinc, fluorine, iron, manganese, selenium, sodium, etc. minerals into the water.
• tourmaline, which ionizes water and gives it a negative redox potential.
• Alka-mineralizing minerals that make water alkaline.

Thus, with the help of the "Ashbach" water mineralizer, all the shortcomings of osmosis systems are eliminated. A person receives clean water, saturated with minerals in an ionized digestible form, the negative redox potential of water gives it antioxidant and immunocorrective properties, the alkaline pH of water resists oxidation of the body.


Hydrogen water is drinking water enriched with molecular hydrogen, which is an effective antioxidant. In Japan and Korea, such hydrogen is called negative hydrogen, because the main indicator of hydrogen water is a negative redox potential, which neutralizes free radicals. Free radicals lead to the development of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, the development of inflammation and cell aging. Scientific discoveries indicate the enormous potential of using negative hydrogen in the prevention and treatment of various diseases.
Hydrogen is the smallest molecule in the universe. Therefore, it easily penetrates into all cells of the body and overcomes even the blood-brain barrier. This means that it neutralizes free radicals in the body, but also in the brain. Hence the wide range of preventive and therapeutic effects of hydrogen water:
• Restoration of immunity
• Reduction of blood sugar in diabetics
• Positive effect on the liver
• Memory improvement
• Recovery after a stroke
• Recovery after a heart attack
• Quick recovery after sports
• Ability to increase physical activity
• Relief from excess weight
• Improvement of the condition of problematic facial skin
• Normalization of metabolism, lowering of cholesterol level
• Reducing the risk of cancer

Properties of gaseous hydrogen for inhalation
The use of hydrogen water in the form of inhalations is especially important. Because negative hydrogen for drinking is contained in catholyte (ionized alkaline living water) in large quantities. But molecular hydrogen (H2) for inhalation can be obtained only in a hydrogen inhaler. In Japan and South Korea, hydrogen inhalation is the most popular way to use H2, so you can get a large dose of hydrogen in a short period of time. And its action during inhalation is truly unique - it treats diseases of all organs through which it passes - diseases of the nasal cavity, pharynx, eyes, and most importantly - the brain!

Hydrogen inhalations:
• Lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients!
• Reduce oxidative stress at the cellular level
• Help with Parkinson's disease, autism, depression
• Help with allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract - allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma.
• Help with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract - chronic tonsillitis, chronic bronchitis, emphysema.
• Quickly relieve fatigue, muscle pain.
• Charge energy for 24 hours



We have been studying the structure of water for several years. The process is very difficult, requires good technical equipment - we look and photograph the water structure using an optical microscope NU-2E, Carl Zeiss, Germany at 120 times magnification and then record absorption spectra using an automated double-beam spectrometer, type 356, company " Hitachi, Japan. But it is not only technically difficult. A drop of water must be dried slowly and evenly - this is a rather long and motor process. It's good that I have an enthusiastic researcher in my group who devotes days and nights to these studies. But the pictures of water that come out of it are worth it.
First: The structure of tap water is chaotic. From the point of view of physics, this is a heterogeneous solution, when organic and inorganic molecules dissolved in water interact very weakly with each other, i.e. behave individually in solution. Such water does not have any ordered elements in its structure and is considered dead - lifeless.

Фото 1. Хаотична структура водопровідної води


The structure of water after osmosis scared me. It had no structure at all. A clean field with several fragments of destroyed water molecules.

Фото 2. Відсутність структури у води після очищення осмосом



We see a completely different picture of water in the case of medical and recreational waters. The structure of such waters is ordered. This means that these dissolved impurities and the solvent itself - water - constitute a single system in which an ordered structure is realized. This is an important distinction that basically determines the properties of living things and their difference from non-living matter.
All living systems also have an orderly structure. In living nature, all structures are built according to the principle of ordering.

Here, for example, is the water structure of the famous medical resort "Truskavets". The symmetry of the floral pattern is simply amazing

 Фото 3. Структура води лікувального курорту «Трускавець».


We also learned to revive the structure of water - for example, with the help of semi-precious minerals. You saw above the absolute emptiness of osmotic water. And here's a picture of the osmotic water after we've run it through our mineralization and ionization flask. Beautiful larch - symmetry and orderliness.

 Фото 4. Повернення структури осмотичної води після колби мінералізації та іонізації.


In the picture you can see the structure of ionized water with negative redox potential and alkaline pH after the mineralization and ionization flask. Water has an ordered structure and repeating elements.

Very beautiful structures are produced by electrical ionization in Ashbach ionizers 02 and 04. After electrical ionization, the pattern is always central - it goes from the center.

Фото 5. Струтура води після іонізаторів Ашбах 02 та Ашбах 04.


And in the flow ionizer with platinum electrodes, the water becomes not only crystal clear, but also acquires a snowflake structure. And also a drawing from the center

 Фото 6. Струтура сніжинки після проточного іонізатора Ашбах 05.


Very interesting structures are obtained after treating water with different compositions of minerals. For example, I have an excellent mineral complex "Antiallergic". Helps with all allergic diseases - seasonal rhinitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, bronchial asthma, allergic dermatitis. With all these diseases, autoimmune complexes are formed in the body, which cause a hyperreaction of the immune system. That is, the immune system reacts to such complexes unnecessarily harshly and imperceptibly. Instead of destroying allergens, it attacks its own tissues and organs, causing their damage. Traditional medicine uses immunosuppressants for these diseases - i.e. agents that suppress the reaction of the immune system. This is a poor treatment option - a weak immune system means a person's lack of protection against infectious and viral diseases and cancer. We remove these autoimmune complexes from the body with the help of ionized water with minerals. Very effective treatment. And the structure of the water after such treatment with ionized water with the "Antiallergic" mineral complex is very interesting.

Фото 7. Струтура води після мінерального іонізатора.



You will find the minerals of the "Antiallergic" complex in the "Antiallergic" decanters and the "Antiallergic" thermal glass.

Why is it important to drink water with a negative redox potential?

Blood and plasma have a redox potential from minus 7 mV to minus 57 mV, breast milk - minus 70 mV, the optimal environment for sperm motility - minus 130 mV.

The entire internal environment of a person has a negative potential - that is. it is negatively charged. Negative charge is the charge of electrons. This means that the internal environment of the body is saturated with electrons. But the drinks and water we drink have a positive redox potential. These liquids, which have a much higher positive redox potential than the blood and internal environment of a person, when they get into the tissues of the human body, take electrons from cells and tissues. As a result, the biological structures of the body undergo oxidative destruction. p align="justify"> Oxidation processes lead to the formation of free radicals and underlie the development of many diseases. Water with a negative potential brings antioxidants to your body and helps with such diseases as cancer, atherosclerosis, arthritis, heart and kidney diseases, adenoma, early aging and wear and tear of the body.

In nature, melt water and dew have a negative redox potential, the well-known water of "Dhemruk" (Armenia), the water of the medical resort "Karlovy Vary", the water of the famous Hunzakutsky spring, the water of the Truskavets resort.

At home, ionized water with a negative potential can be obtained with the help of electric ones

Електроактиватор, електролізер, іонізатор води "aQuator Ашбах"     Електроактиватор, електролізер, іонізатор води "aQuator Ашбах 04" срібний      Електроактиватор, іонізатор води "Ашбах 02 aQuator" серебряний      Іонізатор води aQuator Vivo серебряний






or mineral ionizers


Why is it so important to drink water with an alkaline pH?
70% of the population today suffers from oxidation of the body - a shift in the acid-alkaline balance to the acidic side. Oxidation of the body leads to the development of such diseases as cancer, diabetes, asthma, osteoporosis, periodontal disease, dysbacteriosis, allergies, hypertension, hair loss, etc. Food products and modern technologies of their processing are primarily responsible for the oxidation of the body. Almost 80% of the products we use are acid-forming. This does not mean that we eat sour-tasting foods. This means that from the breakdown of these products, the body produces much more acids than alkalis.
Acid-forming foods include: beef, pork, lamb and chicken, sausage, white flour products, sugar, coffee, black tea, all alcoholic beverages, cheese, nuts and seeds, cereals, bread, rolls and cakes, ice cream, eggs, lemonade, Coca-Cola.
Alkaline-forming foods (unfortunately, there are very few of them) include: fresh fruits, vegetables, greens, natural yogurt, milk, soy, potatoes.

That is why drinking water with an alkaline pH works so effectively on the body - it neutralizes the oxidation of the body.

 Електроактиватор, електролізер, іонізатор води "aQuator Ашбах 04" срібний      Електроактиватор, іонізатор води "Ашбах 02 aQuator" серебряний     Іонізатор води aQuator Vivo серебряний       Проточний іонізатор електролізер  "Ашбах-05" платиновий





or mineral ionizers


Man is a homeostatic system. This means that in order to live, the body must maintain the constancy of the internal environment - temperature, pressure, acid-alkaline balance, redox potential. If the environment is much different from our internal parameters, then the organism either tries to adapt to extreme conditions or - if it cannot do it - dies. For example, let's take such a parameter as temperature. Our body temperature is 36.6. The favorable temperature of the environment in which we feel comfortable has quite wide parameters - from 16 to 22 degrees. And for example, 55 degrees of heat is unfavorable external conditions - the temperature of the environment is very different from our internal temperature. In order not to overheat (get sick), the body includes adaptation mechanisms. We drink a lot, sweat a lot, spend a lot of energy fighting the heat, and get tired quickly. Constant 55 degrees depletes the body's internal reserves and shortens life expectancy, and extreme heat of 60 degrees is already dangerous for life - overheating of the body can lead to death.
If we look at water from the point of view of preserving the stability of the internal environment, the best way to preserve health and longevity for a person is water that has the same parameters as the internal environment of the body - blood, plasma, intercellular fluid.
What does it mean?
This means that for health, a person needs not only water purified from chlorine, heavy metals and hardness salts, but water that is physiologically compatible (coincides in terms of parameters) with the internal environment of a person.
The most important physiological parameters of the internal environment are pH and redox potential (ORP).
The same parameters can be found (and measured!) not only in water, but also in any liquid (juice, beer, vodka). If these parameters coincide with the pH and ORP parameters of a person, the water drunk (juice, beer, lemonade) is perfectly physiologically suitable for the internal environment of a person and brings him health and energy. If the pH and ORP parameters of the drink drunk do not match the parameters of the human internal environment, then the person will have to use up internal reserves of minerals, antioxidants and energy to bring the parameters of the drink into line with their internal environment.
As a result, such a drink not only takes away energy from the body, but can cause a number of diseases.

Recently, a number of sensational articles about the amazing properties of reduced water have appeared in Korea, America and Japan. In Europe, this water is also well known and is called "ionisiertes Wasser" - ionized water. Authoritative scientists and doctors claim that ionized water is the strongest antioxidant, stimulates the immune system, and cleanses the body. It is recommended for the prevention of oncological diseases. And not only for prevention. Recent studies by scientists in Japan and America have revealed the effectiveness of using ionized solutions in the treatment of cancer and the resorption of metastases.

Water, which scientists in America and Japan call "reduced water", and in Europe - ionized water, is well known in Ukraine as well. Our people have known it under the name "living water" for 30 years. For about the same amount of time - 28 years, I have been studying the phenomenon of ionized water. All my scientific articles, patents, dissertation, books are devoted to this topic.

When I am asked how ionized water differs from ordinary tap water, I answer: its medical and biological properties and impact on human health.

When I am asked if there are parameters that can be measured in ionized water and seen to be really different than in tap water or bottled water, I say yes, there are.

  • These are pH parameters (acid-alkaline potential)
  • These are parameters of the redox potential (redox potential)
  • This is the structure of ionized water.

Please exchange and return the goods

Given the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of the Rights of the Owner”, you can exchange or return the goods within 14 days from the day of purchase for the same person:

  • The product and its elements do not show any traces of corruption;
  • complete set and complete packaging;
  • daily mechanical and other damage;
  • Unpacked replacement items and supplies
    cannot be exchanged or returned;
  • when exchanging and returning goods, the services of the Nova Poshta courier service are paid by the buyer.

It is impossible to turn or exchange goods that are in good order. Such goods can be exchanged only after informing the service center about the impossibility of correcting the defect.

How to exchange or return an item?

You can exchange or return the goods in our office at the address:

m. Kiev, Kharkivske Shose, 121 (building B)only on weekdays from 09:00 to 17 :00

You can also send the goods back using the Nova Poshta courier service.

To exchange or return an item, you must:

  • contact our manager at 0669352105, 0986696469,
    fill out an application for exchange or return;
  • Fill out the contact form with the appropriate contact details;
  • please contact the manager to exchange the product for a similar
    or method of turning back pennies.



for procurement, supply, sales and delivery of goods

This agreement between FOP "Yuliya Serhiivna Krivorotenko", hereinafter referred to as the "Seller" and providing services to the website, hereinafter referred to as the "Register", is an agreement of entrustment for the procurement, procurement and delivery of Goods and means the main understanding of the agreement laziness, bathing and delivery of goods via the Internet site The Buyer, who is engaged in the preparation of the Product, accepts his agreement for the purchase and sale of goods (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) at the present time.


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6.1. The deputy has the right to be in possession of the goods any hour before the transfer, and after the transfer of the goods - in accordance with the law of Ukraine “On the protection of the rights of co-owners.”

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FOP "Krivotenko Yulia Sergiivna"

Addresses: Ukraine, metro Kiev, Kharkivske highway 121, building B

EDRPOU 2935409300

Rakhunok: UA043052990000026006026708587


Delivery and payment terms


  • Pickup
  • Nova Poshta

Payment methods

  • Cash in the office
  • Cash on delivery upon receipt of goods at the Nova Poshta branch.
  • In the service "Privat 24"
  • To PrivatBank card No. 5168 7422 4387 0262 Recipient: Yulia Sergeevna Krivorotenko
  • Through the service LiqPay
  • To bank account:
  • EDRPOU 38896165
  • Current account according to the standard
  • IIBAN: UA563052990000026000030114301
  • MFO 380775

We supply products from our pharmacy throughout Ukraine.

What is intestinal dysbiosis?

Intestinal dysbiosis is a change in the composition of intestinal bacteria. Many believe that bacteria in the intestines is a pathology. This is completely wrong. Man is a part of nature. We live in a world inhabited by many living creatures and many living creatures LIVE IN US. Most bacteria are around us and inside us. More than 400 different types of bacteria live in the intestines of an adult.

Their total weight ranges from 3 to 5 kg, and the number is approximately 100 trillion!

You can imagine these trillions of living things that we carry with us all the time! It is natural that they live, reproduce, excrete their waste products (relative to humans, they poop and pee and breathe and exhale) and they do all this in our intestines!      

All bacteria in the intestines are divided into harmful and beneficial (lactobacteria and bifidobacteria are beneficial bacteria). They secrete into the intestines useful products for us - lactic, formic and succinic acids, amino acids and proteins, vitamins B1, B2, nicotinic and folic acids.

But pathogenic bacteria (putrefactive and purulent) secrete poisons and carcinogens. Lacto- and bifidobacteria have many properties that are important for human health.

But their active vital activity directly depends on the pH value. That is, they can live and reproduce only at a certain pH.

The duodenum normally has a pH of 56-79.

The small intestine and duodenum are within the alkaline pH range of 7 to 8.

The pH in the small intestine should be alkaline: 7.2–7.5 pH.

Acidity of colonic juice is alkaline: 85-90 pH.

If the pH of the intestine is normal, the lactic acid bacteria will cope by themselves and inhibit the reproduction of putrefactive and purulent bacteria. If the pH of the intestine is disturbed, the number of lactic acid bacteria decreases, and the number of pathogenic bacteria increases. This condition is called dysbiosis. The development of putrefactive flora in the intestines leads to the occurrence of putrefaction and fermentation processes. The products of putrefaction and fermentation, as well as distension of the intestines with gases cause stool disorder, flatulence, belching, unpleasant taste in the mouth, pain of various nature, colic, spasms. The products of the vital activity of pus-forming and putrefactive bacteria are poisons, naturally, when they enter the blood, they cause toxic and allergic reactions. For example, with dysbacteriosis, the exchange of the amino acid histidine is disturbed, as a result of which the amount of the toxic product histamine increases, which causes allergic reactions in both children and adults.

Lacto- and - bifidobacteria are natural biosorbents, they are able to absorb heavy metals, phenols, formaldehydes and other toxic substances that enter the human body together with food, water, medicines, and infection. Pathogenic bacteria do not want and cannot perform these functions. Therefore, the intestine loses its ability to absorb and neutralize toxic products. In case of intestinal dysbiosis, the functions of decontamination are disrupted and the entire burden of decontamination is transferred to the liver.      

Dysbacteriosis leads to disruption of absorption processes and all types of metabolism: absorption of iron, calcium, production of vitamins decreases. Such clinical phenomena as anemia, dystrophy, polyvitaminosis appear. Thus, in children, intestinal dysbacteriosis leads to a decrease in calcium absorption, therefore, rickets and insufficient weight gain occur in children with dysbacteriosis 10 times more often than in healthy children, and serve as a background for the development of pneumonia.

With dysbacteriosis in adults, there is an active decrease in the assimilation of calcium, which leads to osteoporosis, brittle bones, numbness of the fingers and toes, and convulsions.

In recent years, another important role of bifidobacteria has been discovered — the ability to influence the body's fat metabolism, by reducing the cholesterol content and normalizing the level of lipoproteins and phospholipids. And also: until you cure dysbacteriosis, no diets will help. You can lose weight only with a healthy intestine!

Here is a list of diseases that are caused or aggravated by dysbacteriosis:

 dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, constipation),

flatulence, smell from rotanemiagastritis,

duodenitis, increased cholesterol level, rheumatoid arthritis, malignant neoplasms of the intestines, gallstone disease, allergic dermatitis - eczema,

neuroderma disease,

related to a violation of water-salt metabolism (K, Ca, Zn, Cu, etc.).

Therefore, we can say that a person is healthy when the beneficial microflora inhabiting his intestines is healthy. In order to defeat dysbacteriosis, it is necessary (and, as a rule, sufficient) to create favorable living conditions for our little "helpers" - bifidobacteria.

They will do the rest themselves.  

Currently, for the treatment of dysbacteriosis tradtraditional medicine uses antibiotics. This is a completely wrong concept - because antibiotics kill not only pathogenic flora, but also necessary milk bacteria. As a result of such "treatment", dysbacteriosis only worsens and turns into a severe form, which is accompanied by the development of fungal flora - candidiasis.

Much better treatment is drugs containing live cultures of normal microflora (bifidobacteria, lactobacteria), as well as probiotics. This treatment helps, but very often attempts to cure dysbacteriosis in this way are unsuccessful, because healthy flora is planted in the intestines without simultaneous sanitation. In addition, very few people know how to normalize the pH of the intestine — and without pH regulation, it is impossible to create favorable conditions for the beneficial microflora of the intestine.

Therefore, to cure dysbiosis, you need:

clean up the intestines and destroy pathogenic bacteria (but not in any case not with antibiotics)!

restore the acid-alkaline balance - correct intestinal pH,

restore the population of lacto- and bifidobacteria

create favorable living and breeding conditions for lacto- and bifidobacteria.

How do we treat dysbacteriosis by Dina Aschbach's method?

1) Buy water ionizer "Ashbach 04" + microelements "Cleansing" + herbs "Shkt"

Електроактиватор, електролізер, іонізатор води "Ашбах 04" + Мікроелементи, трави, фітонастойки  +  Мікроелементи, трави, фітонастойки


2) Buy water ionizer "Ashbach 02" + microelements "Cleansing" + herbs "Shkt"

Електроактиватор, іонізатор води "Ашбах 02 aQuator" + Мікроелементи, трави, фітонастойки  +  Мікроелементи, трави, фітонастойки


3) Buy water ionizer "Vivo" + trace elements "Cleansing" + herbs "Shkt"

3 aQuator IMG 0252 + Мікроелементи, трави, фітонастойки  +  Мікроелементи, трави, фітонастойки


Individual instructions for the disease will be written for each treatment option.


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Legal addressof the company
Südweg 10
53773 Hennef

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to the name  Aschbach  Dina
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