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Filter Ionizer with a half-wadded stone "jade"

Price: 3600.00 ₸.

A bottle of mountedinto it semi -delegate  jade  filter-ionizer Mineral granulatory

Mineral granulant
cleans water, gives it & nbsp; antioxidant properties, removes toxins from the body, regulates  acid-base balance. Mineral granulators make water ionized, so the radiation and vibration of the mineral, its therapeutic properties through water  Easily transmitted to the human body. Ionized water many times enhances the healing and magical properties of nephritis.

& nbsp; & nbsp; Mineral granulatory composition

  • tourmaline
  • activated coal from the coconut shell
  • White coral calcium Sanso
  • brown silicon
  • Japanese Health May-Feng

the healing and magical properties of nephritis
nephritis refers to semi -precious stones, published by a revered person for his unusual magical and purposeful stones properties. It has extraordinary strength - stronger than granite several times and unusually high heat capacity. Jade always seems warm and pleasant to the touch. Jade is especially appreciated in China - all ancient Chinese ceremonies are associated with it, Chinese (and all oriental medicine) highly appreciates the healing properties of  Mineral.

The sarcophagi of the Turkic commander and conqueror Tamerlan consist of jade. A statue of Buddha 6 meters high, located in China, is made from a whole stone.
In the east, nephritis was considered an amulet protected by a bad eye.

The name of the jade comes from the ancient Greek renal stone.
Jade is invaluable for the treatment of various diseases. It helps to remove gases and  relieves bloating, helps with joint diseases. But the strongest therapeutic effect of nephritis it has a genitourinary system on the kidneys, it is not without reason it is called the "renal" stone. Drinking jade water helps to restore the function of kidneys and adrenal glands, remove  toxins from the body, normalize the water-salt balance. The regular use of jade water helps to remove stones not only from the kidneys, but also of other organs. C  using nephritis, you can normalize pressure (with hypertension or hypotension), cure sore joints (especially hip). Some experts note the effectiveness of nephritis in the treatment of night urinary incontinence. It is noted that nephritis helps well for various reproductive disorders in men (premature ejaculation, impotence, male infertility), as well as with prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

water from the nephritis is recommended to drink everyone Day as a drinking -
it removes toxins, treats kidney and adrenal glands, in men -process and adenoma, helps with impotence, protects against the evil eye. 

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