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Dina Ashbach
Дина Ашбах
Ionizers, electric activators, water electrolyzers, stationary, flow-through, with mineral filler.
Electric ionizers for pitta and treatment
High-quality devices that can change the quality of your life
Mineral ionizers for healing and treatment
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Kinder ionizer filter

designed for children from birth to 12 years

Gesund durch Wasser



Recommended for:

  • to strengthen the immune system of a fragile child’s body
  • has an antioxidant effect
  • regulates intestinal flora
  • strengthens bones and teeth

Produces: purified water with an alkaline pH, negative potential, saturated with minerals in a 100% digestible form

Has: a strong antioxidant effect, daily removes toxins from the body, increases performance and memory

Consists of:

From a bottle with a built-in main filter with the “Restoring” mineral complex for daily drinking and an additional “Cleansing” mineral complex designed to cleanse the body for 7 days of every month.


  • Tourmaline
  • Activated carbon from coconut shell
  • Coral calcium Sango
  • Minerals of Nordenau Stollen
  • Japanese health stone Mai-feng pink

As scientists have found, it is not enough just to put tourmaline or other healing stone into the water. As a result, the water will not change its parameters and will not acquire a negative potential or alkaline pH. In order for minerals to give water their healing properties, they must be processed. All minerals in our complex are processed using special nanotechnology and have a round or round-oval shape. Only in this form do they act on water most effectively.

Of all the minerals existing on earth, only tourmaline carries a permanent electrical charge and has piezoelectric properties, promotes ionization of water, saturates water with negative ions, and gives it antioxidant properties. Negative ions improve overall well-being, normalize sleep, stimulate the immune system, improve blood circulation, destroy free radicals and are powerful antioxidants.
Tourmaline contains: potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, silicon, iodine, fluorine and other components. A total of 26 microelements from the periodic table.

Activated carbon from coconut shells, pregnated with silver ions
The unique properties of activated carbon from coconut shells are the presence of a large number of micropores (1 gram = 1000-1300 m2 of pores), high strength , capacity and low ash content. A large number of micropores ensures effective removal of low molecular weight organics and their chlorine derivatives - chlorine, chloroform and carcinogenic substances (i.e. compounds that cause cancer) - trihalomethanes.
Activated carbon is made by heating coconut shells in ovens without access to oxygen. Experts have recognized activated carbon from coconut shells as the best compared to carbon from all other materials. Activated carbon in our filters is treated with silver ions, which achieves another goal - purification of the granulate itself and the water passing through the filter from bacterial infection.

White coral mineral granules Sango
Of the 2,500 species of corals found on earth, white corals Sango are the most beneficial for human health. They consist of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and a large number of other vital trace elements. The most important component of coral is calcium. Calcium alkalizes the body, ensures normal blood clotting, affects the regulation of growth processes and activity of cells of all types of tissues, ensures the passage of electrical impulses along nerve fibers, has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, and is a building material. Aschbach water contains calcium in an easily accessible, biologically digestible form. Not only calcium, but also other microelements from coral granules go into solution in ionic form, changing the pH of the water, making it alkaline. This amazingly beneficial property of Aschbach water is of great importance for the child’s body, since a shift in the balance of the body’s pH towards increasing acidity is one of the causes of many diseases - for example, allergic diseases, which negatively affects the growth and development of the child, making him unbalanced and susceptible to colds .

Japanese health stone Mai-feng pink
Japanese health stone Mai-fen has a thousand-year history in Eastern countries. It has been known since the Ming Dynasty and is described in the medical collection Medica. In recent years, this stone has been widely used in Japan as a “health stone”. The water mineralized by it contains potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, titanium, vanadium, cobalt, manganese, copper, zinc, lithium, strontium, molybdenum, niobium, selenium, silicon and rare elements - a total of more than 30 types.Substances such as selenium, zinc, and manganese compensate improve metabolism in the body and improve the functioning of the ß-cells of the pancreas, and magnesium, iron, copper, aluminum, iodine help strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular system. Microelements of the Japanese health stone improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking water saturated with May-fen minerals has the properties to promote the physical and mental development of the child, regulates the phases of sleep and wakefulness, improves concentration.

Minerals of Nordenau Stollen

Contains a complex of valuable minerals from the relict sea of the Nordenau Cave. (Germany, Nordenau Stollen). This is a 25-meter mineral layer that appeared in the ground as a result of geological faults at the site of an underground relict sea. Nordenau minerals have been aged for centuries in natural, environmentally friendly conditions and therefore their effect on the human body has an amazing healing effect.

The ESPERON company (Germany) offers you a unique mineral granulate obtained from the minerals of the Nordenau caves. Nordenau Cave mineral granules contain micro and macroelements of natural origin that regulate metabolism, stimulate the immune system, strengthen the skeletal system and teeth, regulate intestinal flora, and have an antioxidant effect.

Water with a negative redox potential and alkaline pH, saturated with valuable minerals, is recommended for children to drink every day as drinking water WITHOUT LIMITATION OF QUANTITY. SUCH WATER IS A SOURCE OF HEALTH FOR YOUR CHILD!

Bank details

In Germany

Recipient: ESPERON GmbH
Bank:  Postbank Frankfurt, Deutschland
Current account:       Konto: 11 471 603 
Bank account:      BLZ: 500 100 60
IBAN: DE75500100600011471603
Address bank:Eckenheimer Landstr. 242
60320 Frankfurt am Main
Legal addressof the company
Südweg 10
53773 Hennef

Payment  by Pay-Pal  (+ 5.4%)

For payment via Pay-Pal:

Bfast postal order WesternUnion or   MoneyGram

to the name  Aschbach  Dina
Please note that in Germany the surname comes first, check this on the computer when sending the payment