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Dina Ashbach
Дина Ашбах
Ionizers, electric activators, water electrolyzers, stationary, flow-through, with mineral filler.
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Filter-ionizer "Sport"

The most effective means for improving athletic performance

The taste and composition are just water
The action is energy doping

  • Enhances energy supply to muscles
  • Resists body oxidation, removes lactic acid from muscles
  • Has a strong antioxidant effect
  • Stimulates the immune system

Produces: purified water with an alkaline pH, negative potential, saturated with minerals in 100% digestible form

Has: a strong antioxidant effect, neutralizes and removes lactic acid from the body, stimulates the production of ATP, treats diseases of the joints and muscles, restores strength, gives energy and vigor.

Consists of:

From a bottle with a built-in main filter with the “Restoring” mineral complex for daily drinking and an additional “Cleansing” mineral complex designed to cleanse the body for 7 days of each month.


  • Tourmaline
  • Activated carbon from coconut shell
  • Brown silicon
  • Minerals of NordenauNordenau Stollen

Of all the minerals existing on earth, only tourmaline carries a permanent electrical charge and has piezoelectric properties, promotes ionization of water, saturates water with negative ions, and gives it antioxidant properties. Negative ions improve overall well-being, normalize sleep, stimulate the immune system, improve blood circulation, destroy free radicals and are powerful antioxidants.
Tourmaline contains: potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, silicon, iodine, fluorine and other components. A total of 26 microelements from the periodic table. Tourmaline is an effective antioxidant that not only protects body cells from free radicals, but also participates in the metabolism of amino acids and collagen formation. It improves the absorption of iron from food and also stimulates testosterone production, which is especially important for men. During sports activities, there is an active loss of antioxidants, so after each workout you should try to replenish their losses. Negative ions. which tourmaline releases into water give the water strong antioxidant properties. Negatively charged ions also increase the production of ATP, which means they increase the body’s energy supply.

Activated carbon from coconut shells, pregnated with silver ions
The unique properties of activated carbon from coconut shells are the presence of a large number of micropores (1 gram = 1000-1300 m2 of pores), high strength , capacity and low ash content. A large number of micropores ensures effective removal of low molecular weight organics and their chlorine derivatives - chlorine, chloroform and carcinogenic substances (i.e. compounds that cause cancer) - trihalomethanes.
Activated carbon is made by heating coconut shells in ovens without access to oxygen. Experts have recognized activated carbon from coconut shells as the best compared to carbon from all other materials. Activated carbon in our filters is treated with silver ions, which achieves another goal - purification of the granulate itself and the water passing through the filter from bacterial infection.

Minerals of Nordenau Nordenau Stollen

Contains a complex of valuable minerals from the relict sea of the Nordenau Cave. (Germany, Nordenau Stollen). This is a 25-meter mineral layer that appeared in the ground as a result of geological faults at the site of an underground relict sea. Nordenau minerals have been aged for centuries in natural, environmentally friendly conditions and therefore their effect on the human body has an amazing healing effect.

The ESPERON company (Germany) offers you a unique mineral granulate obtained from the minerals of the Nordenau caves. Nordenau Cave mineral granulate contains micro and macroelements of natural origin - calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, vanadium, copper, iron, zinc, chromium, iodine, phosphorus, manganese, chromium in an ionized form that is 100% digestible by the body.

Potassium. One of the most important electrolytes in the body. Together with sodium, it regulates the water content inside cells. Provides maintenance of electrical potential in nerves and on the surface of cell membranes, regulating muscle contraction. Included in the mechanism of glycogen accumulation - the main source of energy in the cell. Poor potassium-sodium balance leads to impaired water metabolism, dehydration, weakening of muscles.
Copper. The main amount of copper (about 50%) is found in muscle and bone tissue. Copper is involved in the construction of a number of enzymes and proteins. Its role in ensuring physiological and biochemical processes during physical activity is associated with the regulation of the processes of biological oxidation and ATP generation, in the synthesis of collagen and elastin and in iron metabolism. Copper is a hematopoietic microelement that is actively involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and myoglobin. For this reason, copper is one of the most important microelements for an athlete.
Iron. This microelement is part of blood hemoglobin, which is responsible for oxygen transport and oxidative reactions. There is a direct connection between the level of iron supply in the body and physical performance.
How does this affect your sports activities? The speed of recovery after training depends on the aerobic activity of the body. The more oxygen gets into the tissues, the faster the muscles are restored for further work. In case of iron deficiency in the body, all parts of aerobic metabolism suffer, but primarily the tissue respiration system, which is due to the very high rate of renewal of heme-containing enzymes, in particular cytochromes. The risk of developing iron deficiency states in actively training athletes is quite high, which is due to various reasons. Against the background of very high physical and neuro-emotional stress, firstly, the natural loss of iron from the body through the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and especially through the skin with sweat increases significantly, secondly, the adaptive synthesis of iron-containing proteins - hemoglobin, myoglobin, increases cytochromes, iron-dependent dehydrogenases. Microtrauma during sports activities is also a pathway for iron loss. All these factors lead to the fact that the need for iron in athletes can be increased by almost 2 times compared to physically inactive people. Unfortunately, iron is very poorly absorbed from almost all foods. For example, green vegetables contain a lot of iron, but its absorption is about 1%. It is more easily absorbed from meat products - up to 10%. Approximately 90% of iron medications leave the body unchanged. That’s why using ionized water from the “Sport” mineral filter is so effective. Iron is found in ionized water in an ionized and 100% digestible form.
Phosphorus. Directly participates in metabolic processes, making up part of the important energy carriers - adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate. In addition, phosphorus reduces the amount of lactic acid in the blood. It helps ensure the speed and power of muscle contractions, which is important for both strength and speed training.
Chromium Along with zinc, manganese, copper and iron, chromium is the most valuable trace element in the nutrition of athletes during prolonged aerobic exercise, when the role of carbohydrates and fats in the body’s energy supply increases significantly, especially during the competitive period.
Zinc. This element is involved in almost all stages of cell growth. It is necessary for the functioning of more than 300 different enzymes. Intense exercise promotes accelerated zinc loss. The diet of many athletes is too low in zinc.
Calcium. Calcium is directly involved in muscle contraction. If there is little of it, the muscles cannot contract quickly and strongly.
The stress received by the bones during training increases the consumption of calcium to increase their strength.
Magnesium The number 1 microelement for strength athletes - not only because of its well-known mechanism of action, but also because the positive effect of this element on sports performance has been clearly proven. Magnesium is one of the key components in energy storage and protein synthesis. It is lost in large quantities through sweat. A recently published study showed a significant increase in muscle strength with magnesium supplementation. Considering the importance of this element in muscle biochemistry, it is not difficult to understand the enthusiasm of so many athletes and coaches regarding magnesium.
Iodine. Plays an active role in the biosynthesis of hormones. It is involved in the formation of thyroid hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine. This hormone controls the state of energy metabolism, the intensity of basal metabolism and the level of heat production. It actively affects physical and mental development, differentiation and maturation of tissues, participates in the regulation of the functional state of the central nervous system and emotional tone of a person, and affects the activity of the cardiovascular system and liver.
Selenium. An element whose compounds have powerful antioxidant properties. Selenium is involved in the formation of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which, in turn, ensures the regeneration of tissues damaged by free radicals. For athletes selenium is needed in larger quantities than for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.
Manganese. An element that is an activator of certain enzyme systems. Manganese is necessary for normal growth, maintenance of reproductive function, osteogenesis processes, and normal metabolism of connective tissue. It is also involved in the regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and actively stimulates cholesterol biosynthesis. An adequate amount of manganese is very important during strength and developmental physical activity, especially in young men.

It is recommended to drink water from the “Sport” mineral ionizer every day as drinking water. ONLY THEN WILL YOU KEEP YOUR HEALTH AND INCREASE YOUR SPORTS RESULTS

Bank details

In Germany

Recipient: ESPERON GmbH
Bank:  Postbank Frankfurt, Deutschland
Current account:       Konto: 11 471 603 
Bank account:      BLZ: 500 100 60
IBAN: DE75500100600011471603
Address bank:Eckenheimer Landstr. 242
60320 Frankfurt am Main
Legal addressof the company
Südweg 10
53773 Hennef

Payment  by Pay-Pal  (+ 5.4%)

For payment via Pay-Pal:

Bfast postal order WesternUnion or   MoneyGram

to the name  Aschbach  Dina
Please note that in Germany the surname comes first, check this on the computer when sending the payment