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Dina Ashbach
Дина Ашбах
Ionizers, electric activators, water electrolyzers, stationary, flow-through, with mineral filler.
Electric ionizers for pitta and treatment
High-quality devices that can change the quality of your life
Mineral ionizers for healing and treatment
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Treatment of neurodermatitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis

What do all these diseases have in common?

These are chronic skin diseases of allergic itchy rashes.

In children, such skin rashes are most often called atopic dermatitis or diathesis, in adults - eczema. There are differences between neurodermatitis and eczema - they appear in the localization and mechanism of the disease and are of course interesting to professionals. But one thing is important for the patient - to be cured. And the methods of treatment in traditional medicine for eczema and for neurodermatitis and dermatitis and atopic dermatitis of small children are the same:

1. Alleviate the manifestations of these diseases - reduce rashes, burning, itching of the skin in the affected area.

2. Suppress the immune system. An additional explanation is obviously needed here: All the above diseases are characterized by a hypertrophied response of the immune system, which, trying to destroy the allergen, attacks its own skin and causes its inflammation and irritation.

Therefore, the traditional treatment of these diseases is hormone therapy, anti-itch creams and ointments, anti-inflammatory treatment. All these means and methods are aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, and not at eliminating the cause. In addition, hormone therapy is a very toxic option - it "plants" the liver, irreversibly affects the immune system and, on the one hand, provides clinical relief, on the other - causes severe complications and weakens the immune system.

How we treat neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis, eczema. The goal of our treatment is not to suppress the immune system, but to remove allergens and autoimmune complexes from the body. And for this purpose, ionized water with microelements "Cleansing" is the best medicine in the world.

Example 1. This is Ian, he is three years old. When his parents brought him to me, he was a child covered in red crusts. He did not sit still for a minute, he was twitching and scratching. Diagnosis: Neurodermatitis. When asked what he is allergic to, my mother laughed bitterly, it is easy for us to list what he does not react to. The strictest diet is only porridge, no vegetables and fruits, of course nothing sweet. Hormonal therapy. Parents ask: "Cure?". I say so".

— And how long will it take?

—Two weeks.

— And how much will it cost?

— I am talking — the cost of the device — the Ashbach 04 ionizer + "Cleansing" trace elements

-And that's it?

- Yes, that's it.

The results are below - I present them in chronological order with dates. I cured Yan in 10 days. There were relapses within 3 years.

Example 2.Diagnosis: Allergodermatitis. Patient Petra is 16 years old. Treatment during the week.    

Before treatment


After treatment



Example 3. Diagnosis: Diathesis, insomnia in an infant. A letter from my mother. Congratulations, Dino Semenivna! While the electrolyzer itself has not yet been operated, we did not have time (we delve into the instructions and look for "dark" dishes, ... and in general, during the day, due to a boisterous almost one-year-old child, there is simply no enlightenment and no time to sit down.) ... But the shower head was installed last weekend. Because of the heat, I bathe my daughter often, and when changing diapers, and this happens in our house an average of 7 times a day. In addition, she is an exudate and the secretion system works well. That is, they rinse with a mouthwash quite often (+necessarily in the evening before going to bed).

In conclusion:

1. Already two or three times, it is good to fall asleep in the evening (and we had quite severe problems with sleep, especially in the first 4 months of life, and in general, months up to the 7th).

2. I just can't believe it myself, but after three or four times (that's how many times I rinsed her hair with a shower), I noticed that the diathesis crusts on the scalp became less. I looked today - my head is almost clear! I don't know what to do with it - nothing fundamentally changed in her lifestyle, except for a change in the quality of the water for bathing.

After all, exudative-catarrhal diathesis is the result of internal metabolic processes, and it has not yet been drunk with catholyte... only external action and then a couple of days, and the crust is almost gone! Whatever it is, it's still good!

Thank you again very much for the information and participation! Sincerely, Natalia Sribnyak

Next letter:Once again I want to say a big thank you for your products. In particular, for the shower head!!!!!!!! As I wrote from last Sunday, I bathe the child several times a day with the help of a shower. And from that moment (!!!!!) we began to fall asleep WELL at night! And every day the picture gets better and better. Maybe the problem of the baby falling asleep will not seem like such a problem (well, compared to others), but for me as a mother it was very difficult. The child wanted to sleep, but ... could not! She crawled, climbed here and there, threw herself (this could go on for an hour and 1.5 hours) - from the sofa to the floor, to the chair, generally up and down, left and right + whining at the same time. It is clear that the daughter was suffering... and she wants to sleep, but she can't.  

And after bathing with a shower (and before we bathed, but with ordinary water and herbs, and no special effect was) everything changed dramatically. Now we just put our head on the pillow and immediately fall asleep! (despite the fact that the regime of nutrition and physical activity during the day remained the same)!

Thank you for such a fantastic product! Sincerely, Natalia Sribnyak

What do you need to do to order treatment for neurodermatitis, eczema, allergic dermatitis, diathesis, atopic dermatitis?

1. Briefly describe the disease, preferably send photos on Viber or WhatsApp.

2. After we receive all the data, we will write down within 2 days what you need to treat and solve your other problems.

Usually this:

Ashbach 02 Ashbach 04



"Cleansing" microelements



What are "Cleansing" trace elements?

Read here!

Shower with minerals and magnets


For allergic diseases without skin rashes - for example, for allergic seasonal rhinitis, the option carafe "Antiallergic" is better suited " with anti-allergic stones "Elvan".

3. In parallel, our technical department will send you the calculation and payment options 

4. We treat you constantly. You can always contact us with your problems.

Treatment of arthritis and arthrosis according to Dina Ashbach's method.

Practically 100% effective when using ionized solutions with trace elements and muscle spasm relief techniques

May 2018 informative video before the procedure

May 2018 informative video before the procedure

Информационное видеомай 2018 года до процедуры

Informative video April 2017 to

Informative video April 2017 after

Informative video April 2016

Informative video December 2016

Informative video October 2015

 Arthritis is inflammation of a joint. If several joints are inflamed, the disease is called polyarthritis. Arthritis occurs for various reasons - physical overstrain, hypothermia, injuries. Arthritis can be caused by various infectious diseases that have nothing to do with the joints directly, such as intestinal infections or inflammation of the bladder or kidneys. In this case, the disease is called reactive arthritis. The most common cause of arthritis is rheumatism. Arthritis usually causes swelling and pain in the affected joints. In the initial stages of the disease, pain occurs only in certain situations - during movement, physical exertion or at a certain time of the day - for example, at night or in the morning. When arthritis turns into a chronic form, the pain can become constant, the inflamed joint becomes red, swollen, deformed, its function is impaired, sometimes to the point of complete immobility.

Arthritis is a chronic joint disease accompanied by changes in cartilage tissue. A more correct name for arthrosis is osteoarthrosis. It is believed that in arthrosis, not inflammatory, but degenerative processes in the articular cartilage prevail, the metabolism in the joint is disturbed, its elasticity is lost, the cartilage thins, and therefore every movement causes pain. As a result of pain, mobility in the joint is limited. Arthritis is accompanied by inflammation of the tissues surrounding the joint, disruption of blood supply and the flow of nutrients. Among the characteristic manifestations of arthrosis, it should be noted the occurrence of painful sensations during physical exertion and their subsidence at rest. There is also limitation of joint movement, crunching when moving, muscle tension in the area of localization of the disease, progressive deformation of the joint, accompanied by the appearance of swelling. The most common are knee arthrosis (gonarthrosis) and hip arthrosis (coxarthrosis), which is associated with a large load on these joints.


Treatment of arthritis and arthrosis by methods of traditional medicine is currently very difficult and ineffective. In the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis, anti-inflammatory drugs are used - based on aspirin and its derivatives and painkillers. They are of little benefit to the joints, but they destroy the gastrointestinal tract very effectively and can provoke bleeding.

In addition, various ointments are used - apizatron, butadione, voltaren, diclofenac - these are also anti-inflammatory drugs, but for external use. Therefore, they bring much less harm than those taken in the form of tablets.

A major role in the development of arthrosis is played by metabolic disorders and salt deposition - that is why antigout drugs are used: allopurinol, alomaron, milurit.

Disturbance of metabolism in the joint leads to its demineralization - mineral preparations containing calcium - "Vitrum", "Centrum", "Unikam" are used to restore the mineral composition of cartilage tissue.

And now we will consider why all this does not help.

First of all, modern medicine does not even train specialists who would treat arthritis and arthrosis. There is no specialist in medicine who treats only joints - an arthrologist. That is, theoretically, such a specialist can be found in the directory, but practically he does not exist. And who treats the joints? - Anyone. Surgeons, neuropathologists, orthopedists, and rheumatologists deal with joints. In general, no one.

Secondly, the treatment of arthrosis is based on completely wrong premises. It is believed that degenerative disorders in the joint occur not because of inflammation, not because of a violation of the acid-alkaline balance in the body, but because of degenerative disorders. That is, for some reason, nutrition and blood supply to the cartilage are disturbed, then the joint fluid disappears, the cartilage thins, the bone is exposed.

Again, it is believed that these processes are irreversible and therefore there is only one way out - endoprosthesis - i.e.

replace your joint with an artificial one.

All these are mistakes - that is why the treatment of arthrosis is so ineffective today.

There are five prerequisites that I have derived for myself and which are guided by the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis:

  1. Inflammation always accompanies both arthritis and arthrosis. Without removing the inflammatory process, it is impossible to normalize the metabolism in the joint.
  2. Pain of an arthritic joint is caused by spasmodic muscles. They do not give the joint freedom of movement, the ability to penetrate the cartilage of oxygen, nutrients and minerals, and even medicines. It's like a closed door - until the muscle spasm is removed - the medicine and minerals will remain behind the door.
  3. In order to cure arthrosis, it is necessary to wash the salts from the joint.
  4. In order to achieve a long-lasting treatment effect, it is necessary to normalize the acid-alkaline balance. When the body is oxidized, if the acid-alkaline balance is not restored, the body will again and again dispose of acid residues in the form of salt deposits in the joints (see the section "You are not sick - you are oxidized")
  5. All processes in the joint are partially or completely reversible - when the inflammation in the joint is removed, the muscle spasm is removed and the acid-alkaline balance is normalized, the joint begins to receive oxygen, nutrients and restore its mineral metabolism.

I know how to treat arthrosis. I say this with the pride of a doctor through whose hands (literally) hundreds of patients with arthritis and arthrosis have passed (healed). The technique of relieving muscle spasm is working with the hands on points and releasing energy, so surely a piece of me remains in every cured arthrosis patient.

 I use two methods in the treatment of arthrosis:

1. Removal (washing out) of salts from the joint. First, with the help of an ionizer device and a set of microelements, the patient washes salts from the joint, relieves inflammation, restores the mineralization of the joint, and then, if the joint remains incompletely mobile, I conduct two or three sessions of muscle spasm relief.

2. Relief of muscle spasm. Or first I release the muscles, and then the patient is treated with an apparatus and a set of minerals to wash out salts from the joint and mineralize the cartilage tissue.

Both the first and second treatment options are so effective that they are perceived as a miracle.

How many patients came to me for an appointment on crutches or with a cane, with loose histories of illnesses, with radiographs and the words: "Doctor, they told me, only surgery."

And the same patients came after 2-3 sessions with glowing faces, WITHOUT CRUTCHES, sometimes even forgetting their fluffy questionnaires on my table.

See the results of treatment of patients with arthritis and arthrosis in the videos presented below.

Usually I hold an appointment in Kyiv for 10 days every two months and during this time I manage to cure 6-7 patients. It is not possible to capture all of them on video, but we try to show the dynamics of movement recovery in at least one or two patients from beginning to end.

After each appointment, we put new videos on the site - come to Kyiv for treatment!

Treatment of hypertension with ionized solutions with trace elements.

Arterial hypertension, or, as it is often called, hypertensive disease, is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system. The modern way of life has led to the fact that 39.2% of men and 41.4% of women in our country have high blood pressure, and half of them do not know about their disease. The cause of more than 50% of deaths in Russia are direct complications of hypertension - stroke, myocardial infarction, heart failure, kidney failure.

In 10–15% of cases, hypertension is associated with stress and increased secretion of adrenaline (stress hormone). Adrenaline causes the heart to contract more frequently, at the same time more blood is thrown out and the pressure rises above the norm. Moreover, if a healthy person's pressure, which is elevated on an emotional background, returns to normal quite quickly, then if the patient is prone to hypertension, this condition does not pass for a long time. There is one more feature: even in a healthy person, with frequent repetition of stressful situations, hypertension is gradually fixed for a longer time.

High blood pressure gradually begins to be perceived by the body as normal. That is why mental overstrain is one of the main risk factors for hypertension.

For many years, it was believed that the increased use of sodium (NaCl, chlorine) leads to an increase in blood pressure. This was confirmed by the facts of increased blood pressure in hypertensive patients after excessive use of salt, and vice versa, a decrease in blood pressure during a long-term diet without salt. Recent studies have proven that only 50% of hypertensive patients are "salt sensitive".

New researchers conclude that the increase in blood pressure as a result of the consumption of table salt is explained by the presence of chloride in it, not so much sodium, as previously claimed. More and more recently, the opinion is expressed that the only culprit of increased pressure is the chloride anion. This is confirmed by the fact that in other compounds, for example, sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), which is found in many mineral waters, sodium does not have any effect that increases pressure.

In approximately 20-25% of cases, hypertension is associated with sclerosis of arteries and the development of atherosclerotic plaques on the vessel walls. The lumen in the vessels narrows, and in order to maintain normal blood supply to the body, the heart has to drive blood through the vessels with greater force. This increases blood pressure. Recently, great importance has been attached to the activity of free radicals in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Why does catholyte with trace elements help in the treatment of hypertension?

The fact that ionized solutions can lower blood pressure was first noticed in patients with diabetes. In many of our patients who drank catholyte, a decrease and subsequent stabilization of pressure was observed. Moreover, patients drank catholyte for 4-6 weeks, and pressure stabilization was observed for a long time even after treatment, so many patients refused to take antihypertensive drugs. Upon further study of this effect, we found microelements more suitable for the treatment of hypertension, and thus the technique of using ionized solutions with microelements for the treatment of hypertension arose.

 The most important factor that reduces pressure in blood vessels is nitric oxide NO, which is generated in the endothelium of vessels, provides relaxation of the smooth muscles of the vascular wall and regulates the level of blood pressure, coronary and organ blood flow, and also prevents platelet aggregation. The value of this molecule for the occurrence of hypertension is so great that in 1998 NO researchers received the Nobel Prize.

The absence or lack of NO causes an increase in blood pressure. That is why organic nitrates (for example, nitroglycerin) have become widespread in cardiology. These are substances that release NO in the body, thereby replacing the missing molecules of nitric oxide.

Free radicals and, in particular, superoxide are the main factor that destroys NO. Superoxide reacts with nitric oxide to form toxic substances - peroxynitrite and hydroxyl radical.

•N=O + •O-O- + H+ — > O=N-O-OH (peroxynitrite)

O=N-O-OH — > O=N-O• + HO• (hydroxyl radical)

Lack of NO causes increased blood pressure, ischemia of various organs, heart failure.

In atherosclerosis, for example, the endothelium of the vessel walls cannot produce NO in the normal amount, as the surface of the vessel wall is covered with atherosclerotic plaques. Therefore, hypertension and atherosclerosis are inseparable friends. Oxidative stress and the release of the superoxide radical are the cause and accompany hypertension, increasing its course and causing severe complications.

The decrease in blood pressure after taking catholyte is explained, on the one hand, by its ability to neutralize the superoxide radical, and on the other hand, by the content of microelement ions, which have the ability to lower blood pressure.

Finally, I can say that by taking ionized solutions we managed to lower blood pressure in 95% of hypertensive patients.

Treatment of bronchial asthma and asthmatic syndrome with ionized solutions with trace elements

Bronchial asthma and asthmatic syndrome are now considered infectious-allergic diseases. Although many doctors and scientists in Europe say that the infection in these diseases is detected only at the first inflammation, and the allergen in general cannot be detected at all, or almost all components of the surrounding world become allergens. You can name any surrounding object - chair, mattress, air, tree, cat, etc. and each of them can become an allergen that causes an asthma attack for an asthmatic. But these are ordinary objects and in a normally balanced body they do not cause pathology! Only in an unbalanced body, in which the acid-alkaline and redox balance is disturbed, almost any environmental factor can cause a chain of severe infectious-allergic processes, which are called bronchial asthma.

 Getting into an unbalanced body, the allergen is enough to provoke one small disturbance, after which the functions of many cells are disturbed in a domino pattern, each of which in one way or another begins to participate in the pathological process. Affected cells secrete compounds that provoke spasm of the muscular walls of the bronchi, swelling of the mucous membrane and increased secretion of mucus by the bronchi. As a result, we have an attack of bronchial asthma: suffocation, shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing and a feeling of pressure in the chest.

Bronchial asthma turns a healthy person into an invalid in a short period of time. About 10% of the world's population suffers from bronchial asthma. In recent years, the increase in patients has been particularly noticeable, especially among children: 34% of bronchial asthma cases in Ukraine are found in the age group under 10 years.

Treatment of bronchial asthma

In the context of drug therapy, bronchial asthma is considered an incurable disease.This means that to cure asthma is to traditional medicine considers it practically impossible to eliminate the cause and chain of pathological processes in the body. The essence of drug treatment is to eliminate attacks and keep the patient in remission as long as possible. Hormonal drugs in tablets or inhalations are used for this. Many inhaled hormonal drugs are now available. These include: Aldecin, Becotide, Beklazon, Budesonide, Pulmicort, Ingacort, Intal, Tailed. The use of hormonal drugs does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only temporarily restores lung function to one degree or another, improves gas exchange, and reduces shortness of breath. Temporarily. After some time, the body needs large doses of medication to extinguish the same symptoms. A patient with asthma falls into a closed circle. Being hormonal agents, these drugs cause a number of severe side effects. After one or two years of hormonal treatment, the side effects of damage to the patient's health may exceed the damage caused by bronchial asthma. Steroid diabetes, vasculitis, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, obesity, hypertension, cataracts, and osteoporosis may develop. Long-term systemic use of hormones leads to the formation of so-called hormone-dependent bronchial asthma. In this case, the disease is practically uncontrollable, it is characterized by an increased frequency of night and day attacks, the body reacts to a decrease in the dosage of drugs with an exacerbation.

 Recently, leading scientists and doctors around the world have realized the ineffectiveness of using hormonal agents in the treatment of asthma. The leading organization for asthma pain - GINA (theGlobalInitiativeforAsthma) today's main task in the treatment of asthma is to treat the patient with minimal use of drugs. Therefore, the first place today should be non-drug treatment of bronchial asthma.

The non-drug method of treating bronchial asthma, developed in our Medical Center, allows you to quickly eliminate asthma attacks and remove the patient from hormones.

An important point in the mechanism of development of bronchial asthma is the increased reaction of the bronchi to specific (allergens) and various non-specific agents. Everything else - spasm of the bronchi, swelling of the bronchial wall, difficulty in breathing, activation and prolongation of exhalation, occurs as a result of this increased reaction of the bronchi. Bronchial hypersensitivity occurs due to a change in the pH of bronchial secretions. Therefore, removing hypersensitivity in the bronchi eliminates attacks and eliminates the factor that provokes the disease. We remove the increased reaction of the bronchi with the help of a special device - a steam inhaler with negative ions. After a course of treatment with this device in combination with a course of cleansing the body, even asthmatics who have been on hormones for a long time experience a sharp improvement. At first, they become rarer, and then the attacks of dyspnea, shortness of breath disappear, and the need for an inhaler disappears.

I will give several examples of the results of treatment of children with bronchial asthma.

Of course, I also have many adult patients with bronchial asthma who have completely recovered or entered a period of long remission. But I am especially happy for the children. It is impossible to calmly look at a child who is suffocating in an asthma attack. Therefore, I am very glad that treatment with ionized solutions helps such children.

Excerpt from the letter:

Dear Dina Semenivna, I want to try your method of treatment. Already completely despaired. Tanechka is now 4 years old. This year, we are in the hospital for the fourth time in a row. The first two times with pneumonia, the third and fourth with bronchitis. And all the time she is suffocating. Suffocation is relieved by inhalation with berodual and we take a lot of antibiotics. The disease begins with a runny nose, then Tanechka begins to suffocate and wheeze. I took her from kindergarten, I stay at home, we don't talk to anyone, we walk every day, I check her arms and legs after every walk. Recently, diarrhea has also been added. Is it an intestinal infection? No one in the house is sick, there are no animals in the house. Just in a panic, why is it all and what to do?

Explanation of the child's condition: 

In Tanechka, first of all, a violation of the immune system is visible (frequent pneumonia and bronchitis, she catches cold easily). But if at first it was just a weakened immune system, the endless intake of antibiotics and berodual have already done their job - signs of a disturbance of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea), a progressive imbalance of the immune system, and a violation of the acid-alkaline and redox balance of the body appeared.

I understand Tanechka's mother's anxiety very well - she sees how consistently wrong treatment turns her child into a chronic asthmatic.

Treatment purpose:

I prescribed the following therapy for Tanechka:

Diet according to pH, cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract and regulation of intestinal microflora (with the help of ionized water and herbs), and in the third stage, after the removal of asthma attacks, strengthening of the immune system.

Result of treatment after 4 months:

Dear Dina Semenivna, things are on the mend with us - in the four months we have been treating - not a single cold! Diarrhea stopped already in the first week of treatment - I wrote to you. Shortness of breath disappeared. In the first months, there were still attacks of yaduha, and in the last month - none. Lord, I am so grateful to you! Did we slip through the cracks and my child will not become asthmatic! What do you think - can we try to send her back to kindergarten?

example 2. 

Aleksia is 6 years old, attends kindergarten, at 3 months she had pneumonia, she was treated with antibiotics, after which the intestinal microflora was obviously disturbed and she was afraid of gastrointestinal pains, frequent constipation that lasts all year. He often suffered from SARS, in the last year or two he suffered from bronchitis, after the last bronchitis a whistling appeared in the chest. He was examined in an allergology clinic, diagnosed with bronchial asthma, bronchospasm, adenoiditis, allergy to house dust. They took pulmicort for 2 years, then switched to seretide 50 mg dosage in 2 doses for 2 years, and also a singular tablet at night. They regularly passed tests for giardiasis, were treated, but repeated tests again show the presence of giardia in the blood, they went to almost all doctors. They gave blood for fungi, aspergillosis was found there. And the doctor also diagnosed allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, concomitant bronchial asthma.

Status Explanation:

A typical picture of a treated child, with severe side effects of the drugs taken, an imbalance of the immune system and metabolic disorders. The child receives hormonal treatment for more than half of his life. This is a forced resuscitation measure, which, unfortunately, is used by many doctors as a daily therapy. Hormonal therapy slows down the development of the endocrine system, thereby reducing the body's need for oxygen. Thus, the functional load on the lungs decreases. But at the same time, the production of own hormones decreases. This, in turn, forces now to increase the dosage of corticosteroids administered from the outside. In addition, giardiasis shows the clear presence of parasites in the body. The presence of parasites is now considered in the West as one of the triggers for the development of asthma. Therefore, antiparasitic treatment with herbs comes to the fore in this case, then cleansing the body of allergens (herbs and ionized solutions), then adjusting the acid-alkaline and redox balance.


After two weeks of antiparasitic treatment together with ionized solutions, we expelled Giardia. My mother managed to photograph them and sent them to me. I was very surprised that medicines did not help, but water and herbs helped. After cleansing the body of allergens, asthma attacks became rare and we gradually removed Alyosha from hormone therapy. We are currently conducting the third stage of treatment. This is rinsing the throat and nose, drinking and showering with negative alkaline water redox potential every day. The immune system is still weak and Alyosha gets sick every 3-4 months (or gets infected in kindergarten). But it's already a cold - without turning into bronchitis, without wheezing. It will take another six months to get his immune system in order - but he will never need hormones again.


Treatment of mastopathy with ionized solutions with the addition of trace elements

Mastopathy is a mammary gland disease characterized by tissue growth, pain, and pathological secretion. The main disorders that lead to this disease are hormonal, acid-alkaline, and reproductive imbalances in the body. These violations, in turn, lead to violations in the hormonal sphere - hyperproduction of estrogens (female sex hormones). Hyperproduction of estrogens provokes pathological growth of ducts, connective (fibrous) and glandular tissues of the breast. At the same time, the lumps in the mammary gland, characteristic of the premenstrual period, persist even after menstruation.

A certain role can be played by the increased production of prolactin. The role of prolactin is especially important during pregnancy, when the mammary gland prepares for lactogenesis - milk production. At this time, there is physiological proliferation (growth) of gland tissues. After the end of lactation (feeding period), the intensity of prolactin production should decrease. A pathological increase in prolactin outside of pregnancy and lactation is the reason for the development of mastopathy. Often there is not a permanent, but a temporary increase in the level of prolactin, usually at night. (therefore, it may not be detected during a standard hormonal examination). Such irregular bursts of hormone secretion cause swelling, swelling, and tenderness in the mammary glands.

There are two types of mastopathy - diffuse mastopathy and nodular mastopathy. In diffuse mastopathy, growth of connective tissue of the gland prevails, and many cysts appear in the milk ducts. Nodular mastopathy is accompanied by the formation of one or more nodes in the chest. Mastopathy is considered a precancerous disease.

Treatment of mastopathy with ionized solutions and herbs

 I have accumulated quite a large and successful experience in the treatment of mastopathy. In the treatment of mastopathy, I use solutions of trace elements with changed parameters, activated herbs - phytotherapy, regulate the body's acid-alkaline and hormonal balance. I have 2 rules in phytotherapy. The first rule: I never prescribe one plant (monotherapy), but always - a collection of herbs. There should be at least 10 herbs in the collection (I like collections of 14 herbs), then they will act in different directions of the pathogenesis of the disease, and the patient will not develop addiction and side effects.

The second rule - I change the redox potential of the water collection of herbs. This increases the properties of herbs and makes them more targeted, which makes the use of herbs in this form much more effective. Creating a collection of herbs for a patient with mastopathy is an individual matter. The composition of the herbs depends on the age of the patient, the presence of stomach or intestinal diseases, the state of the thyroid gland, the duration of the menstrual cycle, and the duration of the disease. In addition to taking herbs internally, I prescribe lotions, compresses, rubbing on herbs and ionized solutions. Treatment usually lasts for six months (3 times for 40 days) with a 15-day break. After the disappearance of nodes and compactions, a cycle of treatment with activated trace elements and herbs is carried out prophylactically for a month once a year.

Examples from clinical practice:

example 1. Patient D, 27 years old. Bilateral fibrocystic mastopathy. complaints about the formation of multiple nodules in the mammary glands with sizes from 0.5 to 1.5 cm in diameter. Nodules are moderately painful on palpation, easily displaced, have a soft-elastic consistency. Menstruation started late, painful. Mastopathic nodes during menstruation are also painful. Frequent constipation. Infertility for 4 years. An interesting course and an unexpected result of the treatment: already after the first two stages - cleaning the body and regulating the acid-alkaline balance, the work of the intestines improved and a regular stool appeared. Against this background, the first menstruation in the course of treatment was almost painless. After the end of the second 40-day cycle, against the background of the complete absence of complaints, the nodules disappeared from the mammary glands. We did not have time to complete the third course - the patient became pregnant.

Example 2.Excerpt from a letter. Good afternoon, Dina Semenivna. I promised to send you the results of mastopathy treatment. Sorry for the delay. I am writing I want to say right away that I take my health seriously, but without fanaticism (gymnastics, a simple healthy diet, and timely dental treatment – it seems that's all). And, unfortunately, I follow the recommendations, not to the full extent, but only when it burns and when it does not interfere with work and adheres to at least minimal comfort and appearance.

In order. In October 2011, I woke up on a Saturday morning with severe, sharp pain in my left breast. Palpation revealed a lump the size of a walnut. As I was told, the neoplasm could be with fluid inside or just a growth of the connective tissue of the breast. Mammography confirmed the second option. From the received recommendations, the neoplasm is unlikely to disappear by itself, painful sensations can be relieved by symptomatic means, it is necessary to observe that the tumor does not turn into a malignant one. To treat and provide the family with good drinking water, we bought a "Platinum Hybrid" electrolyzer. Drinking ionized water with microelements against mastopathy in the first two weeks was not very pleasant and led to the appearance of allergic swelling on the legs and persistent disgust for the taste of these solutions. However, I completed the first and second stages of treatment related to drinking. She kept putting off applications and douching until she found that the tumor had completely disappeared (at first it shrunk a little, and then it was gone at all, not even a trace), and decided that it was okay to stop there. Now I drink living water as normal drinking water - about a liter a day. I also slightly adjusted my diet - I don't eat red meat at all. As for tea - only herbal tea, it was like that before, coffee - only with milk, I don't drink alcohol at all. As support, I used the amino acid L-arginine, bust cream with the BioBustil complex and increased the amount of nuts in the diet. Dino Semenivno, I want to sincerely thank you for your participation and your excellent work, recommendations and devices. Good luck! Sincerely, Lyudmila K

Example 3.Excerpt from a letter. Greetings, dear Dina Semenivna, I want to express my deep gratitude to you. Thank you for restoring our health, thank you for your unique developments. I want to remind you about myself and ask a few questions. I came to you for the first time last November with a diagnosis of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy. The breasts almost doubled in size and burned, there were discharges, a painful induration was formed on the left side. I went to the doctor - they said I had to do an operation. And my mother died of breast cancer 10 years ago. In short, I was horrified at the thought of surgery and lived on analgin and valerian. Then I accidentally bought your book, called, bought the device, herbs and microelements, started remote treatment.

The pain went away in about a week. After 3 months, the seals disappeared by touch. In May, I finished all the herbs and then just drank for five minutes. In June, she did a mammogram - no lumps were found. The diagnosis of mastopathy seems to have been removed. It has been almost six months, so far everything is fine, and my question is: do I need to repeat the course of treatment, and if so, how many times and with what interval.

And also: how often can you do a mammogram or can you just do a self-examination?

With respect and great gratitude. Maria V...

Example 4.Patient B, 52 years old. Bilateral fibrocystic mastopathy. Nodular fibromyoma of the uterus 10-11 weeks. From the author: By the way, a very common option is mastopathy and myoma. It is clear that violations of the hormones of the sexual sphere most often affect several organs dependent on these hormones.

Complaints: of constant aching pain in the mammary glands in the last year, the appearance of multiple nodes in the breast and discharge from the nipples during menstruation. In addition, periodic intense cutting pains in the abdomen with radiation to the lower back are disturbing. Nodules in the mammary glands appeared about 3 years ago. They have increased in size and become painful in the last year. Very afraid of cancer. The menstrual cycle is preserved, 28-30 days, menstruation in the last year is abundant. The first day he cannot leave the house at all because of heavy bleeding. An operation on the uterus was offered - she refused. Drinks nettle infusion. Complains of hot flashes, hot flushes, pressure rise, nausea, dizziness (from the author: signs of early menopause). The climax is hard to bear. Two months ago, she was examined by a gynecologist and an oncologist - there are no data on the oncological process. The uterus is enlarged to 9-10 weeks. pregnancy.

In this case, I tried to persuade the woman to operate on uterine fibroids - in my opinion, the bleeding was related to the fibroid node in the uterus. Extirpation (removal) of the uterus is not carried out in such cases - the node is simply removed. But the woman was terrified of surgery and cancer. In addition, she was at the beginning of the climacteric period - this gave hope that the activity of estrogens will subside in the coming years and the myoma will grow and will not manifest itself clinically. Therefore, I concentrated my attention on eliminating climacteric phenomena, improving bowel function, and introduced anti-myoma and gonadotropic herbs into the herbal collection. In addition, colloidal silver douching and mineral showers were prescribed (helps very well with menopause). Results of treatment after 6 months: Nodules from the mammary glands have decreased in quantity and size, there are no discharges from the nipples, pain is not bothering. Menstruation has become less abundant, on the first day he freely goes outside. After the climax: nausea and pressure spikes disappeared. The tides remained, but became less intense. Fibroma An ultrasound scan shows a decrease in the myoma nodule up to 7-8 weeks. This woman's treatment continues, so we will observe the dynamics.

Example 5. Patient D. 38 years old. Complaints of pain and discharge from the right mammary gland. During palpation in the upper outer quadrant of mammary gland, a seal was found that was not connected to the underlying tissues. Ultrasound: In the right mammary gland, an area of reduced echogenicity of an irregular elongated shape with dimensions of 1.8 x 6.3 cm is visualized. Conclusion: Nodular mastopathy of the right mammary gland. The woman underwent a 3-stage treatment with ionized solutions with trace elements and herbs. Conclusion of ultrasound after 8 months: No changes in echogenicity were detected in the right mammary gland

Before treatment Before treatment of mestopathies After treatment After treatment of mesopathy

Treatment of prostate adenoma with ionized solutions with trace elements

Treatment of prostate adenoma according to the Aschbach method

Prostate gland (prostate) - an organ consisting of muscles and glandular tissue, is part of the reproductive system. The prostate is located in the pelvic area directly below the bladder, has the size and shape of a chestnut and weighs about 20-30 grams. Adenoma of the prostate gland (adenoma of the paraurethral glands, adenoma of the prostate, benign hyperplasia of the prostate gland) is an increase in the mass and volume of the prostate gland, which occurs in men after the age of 50 and is caused by hormonal changes in the male body. At the age of 70, the vast majority of men have one or another degree of prostate hyperplasia. At the same time, if benign prostatic hyperplasia does not cause a narrowing of the urethra and does not cause a violation of the outflow of urine from the bladder, then it does not require treatment.

Three types of adenomas are distinguished by structure and location:

- The tumor through the urethra penetrates into the bladder, deforming the internal sphincter and disrupting its function.

- The tumor increases toward the rectum, urination is slightly impaired, but the loss of contractility of the urethra does not allow the bladder to be completely emptied of urine.

- The tumor grows inside the prostate gland, not enlarging it, but compacting it, while neither retention of urine in the bladder nor urinary disorders are observed. This is the most favorable, but also a rare type of adenoma. In the clinical course of the disease, three stages are distinguished:

  • The first stage of the disease is characterized by the following signs: accelerated urination at night, sometimes up to 5-8 times. Sluggish stream of urine. Difficulty urinating gradually occurs. To empty the bladder, you have to strain. If the adenoma develops in the first form, urinary incontinence during sleep is possible, since the internal sphincter deformed by the adenoma does not prevent its outflow from the bladder. Residual urine in the bladder in the first stage of the disease is either absent or reaches 20 ml. Complete emptying of the bladder is achieved thanks to the redundant (compensatory) function of the muscle wall of the bladder (detrusor), but after some time this function is exhausted and the disease moves into the second stage.
  • In the second stage, the symptoms of the disease are more intense. The stream of urine becomes vertical, interrupted by drops, the patient is forced to strain, which causes the formation of a hernia or prolapse of the rectum. After the hypertrophy of the muscle fibers of the bladder characteristic of the first stage, their thinning occurs - atony of the bladder walls. The part of the bladder wall that is free from muscle fibers is pulled out from between them, forming bags (bladder diverticula) in which residual urine collects. Its amount, at first, is 100-200 ml, then it reaches 300-500 ml. With hypertrophy of the wall of the bladder, rough folding is formed, which prevents the active flow of urine into the bladder from the upper urinary tract, due to which it stagnates in the ureters and kidneys. Symptoms of complications appear - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, painful urination. At this stage, any provoking factor - hypothermia, cold, urinary retention, overwork, mental stress, diet disorders, can cause painful urges to urinate, pain in the perineum, and then in the suprapubic area and lower back. Complete retention of urine develops as a complication. This is a very serious condition when the patient cannot urinate. In this case, urine is removed with a catheter in a hospital. After that, urination is restored in some patients, others are forced to constantly wear a catheter.
  • In the third stage, the contractility of the bladder drops to a minimum, the amount of residual urine increases to 1.5-2 liters. The bladder is sharply stretched, its contours are visible in the form of a spherical or oval tumor that reaches the navel, and sometimes rises higher, its sensitivity decreases, patients suffer less from urinary retention and mistakenly believe that there has been an improvement. Nevertheless, at night, and then during the day, urine is periodically or constantly released involuntarily, in drops from an overfilled bladder. Patients have to constantly use a urinal. In the third stage, a number of complications caused by kidney failure are manifested: complete loss of appetite, weakness, thirst, dry mouth, nausea, constipation. Depression, exhaustion, the smell of urine from the mouth are symptoms of self-poisoning with nitrogenous slags, elevated temperature indicates an aggravation of the infection - a constant companion of stagnant urine. Very often, this condition leads to irreversible kidney damage (acute or chronic renal failure).


- Finger rectal examination of the prostate gland;

- Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) - a moderate increase is characteristic of prostate adenoma, a sharp increase - prostate cancer. The ratio of free PSA / total PSA is less than 15% at a concentration of PSA in blood serum of 3-10 μg/l indicates an increased probability of prostate cancer;

- Uroflowmetry - measurement of urine outflow velocityUZDMeasurement of residual urine in the bladder

The most common complication of prostate adenoma is cystitis, chronic or acute urinary retention, acute or chronic renal failure, formation of stones and diverticula (protrusion of the walls) in the bladder, bleeding from the bladder neck.

Prostate adenoma treatment (prostate adenoma treatment)

 Until recently, it was believed that the main method of treatment for adenoma is the removal of the prostate gland - adenomectomy. However, this operation is very traumatic, has many contraindications and causes many complications. Conservative therapy is carried out either with hormonal drugs or alpha-reductase or herbal drugs. Hormone therapy blocks the synthesis of testosterone (a male hormone) by the testicles at the level of the brain or prevents the action of male hormones on the prostate gland. Hormonal drugs include zoladex, buserelin, depostat, flutamide, casodex, androkur. However, currently drugs of this group are used in a limited way due to frequent severe side effects and high price. 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors - finasteride (proscar) and episteride. Affect sexual activity, ejaculate, cause a decrease in sexual desire. Preparations of plant origin - permixon, tadenan (trianol), harzol, peponen, speman, optimal, pumpkin. They have anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect. However, treatment with phytopreparations is long-term - at least one year. As soon as the administration of the drug ends, all clinical signs of the adenoma return. Alpha-blockers - prazosin, alfuzosin, doxazosin, terazosin, tamsulosin. Side effects include: malaise, weakness, dizziness, headache, rapid heartbeat, so treatment with alpha-adrenergic blockers should be started with minimal doses.

We have long and successfully used ionized solutions with a certain composition of trace elements in the treatment of prostate adenoma.

What changes are observed in patients with prostate adenoma when using ionized solutions with trace elements?

In patients, complaints about nocturnal urination and delays before the start of urination practically disappear, the stream of urine becomes stronger, the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder disappears. Residual urine in the bladder at 1-2 stage of the disease is absent, at 3 stage of the disease it drops to 30-50 ml. All uroflowmetry data change to the positive side. On ultrasound, 90% of patients showed a decrease in the size and weight of the adenoma by up to 30%. Adenoma growth stops. PSA decreases, often normalizes to normal. Usually, with stage 1-2 adenoma, it is enough to conduct a five-week course of therapy with ionized solutions with microelements, with stage 3 – a 10-week course. Then the patient drinks water with a negative potential and repeats the course with trace elements once a year to consolidate the results. Treatment of prostate adenoma with ionized solutions does not cause any side effects, is effective and does not require constant financial expenses.

Examples from clinical practice:

Patient C, 68 years old. Complaints before treatment: urinating at night up to 4-5 times, a very sluggish stream of urine (for shoes), delays before urinating up to 1 minute, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Examined: ultrasound - prostatic hyperplasia grade 2 B, residual urine - 80 ml, PSA - 6.5. He underwent a 5-week course of ionized solutions with trace elements, for 3 months he is on supportive drinking water with a negative redox potential. Status: wakes up once at night, sometimes sleeps all night. Delays before urination disappeared, the stream became stronger, the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder disappeared. Ultrasound control: the size of the adenoma has decreased by approximately 30% and there is no residual urine. PSA after treatment: 5.1 μg/l

Patient L.G., 76 years old, Israel. Very large adenoma of the prostate gland (9.5 x 9.1 x 9.8 cm), PSA - 28.5, number of structures at night 6 - 7, sick for 25 years. I decided to have an operation. The urologist prescribed DUODART medication 2 months before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor and lower the PSA level. After 2 days of reception, the patient could not take the medicine, because pulse rose to 110 beats/min. (one of the side effects of this drug), the amount of urine excreted decreased to 70-80 cubic centimeters, the amount of residual urine increased to 300 cubic centimeters, the number of night wakings increased sharply to 10-12. The patient had to wake up after an alarm clock , i.e. to. the bladder did not give signals to empty

Treatment of cancer diseases by the "Aschbach" method

Currently, Ashbach treatment methods are successfully used for cancer treatment, recovery of patients after chemotherapy and radiation, and for prevention of cancer relapses.

In our clinics in Warsaw and Kyiv, we use the most effective traditional and alternative methods of therapy and achieve success.

We have learned to fight skin cancer, basal cell carcinomas, breast, stomach and intestinal cancer, and uterine cancer with particular success.

With these localizations, we have many cases of complete cancer treatment, even in stages 3 and 4 of the process with metastases. Below you can see some treatment protocols presented in the form of photos before, during and after treatment

Black melanoma.

A very serious type of skin cancer.

The treatment lasted for 6 months.

Full recovery.

The process went like this:

1. Ulcer of cancerous formations

2. Healing After healing, no malignant cells were found in the wound


Before treatment

Black melanoma One month after starting treatment

Black melanoma 3 months after starting treatment

Black melanoma 4 months after starting treatment

Black melanoma. During histological examination, no malignant cells were detected


Before treatment After treatment


Breast cancer stage 4 with numerous metastases.

The first photo shows 7 foci of actively multiplying malignant cells.

After 5 weeks of treatment, 1 cell of active reproduction remained, after 6 weeks - the complete disappearance of active cells of malignant reproduction.


Melanoma stage 3. Reduction of malignant tumor within 19 days



For the treatment of basalioma, 2 pieces on the arm.

From the treatment by the Ashbach method, 2 more basal cell tumors appeared nearby (as if like a flower). The patient said that she was pulling from the elbow and from the shoulder joint. Purulent secretions were coming out.


After treatment, the basal cell tumors healed in 2 months.

A mammogram showed the presence of one malignant tumor. The treatment process detected a second daughter tumor.

The patient is cured. The size of the first tumor is half a chicken egg.


Treatment identified (revealed) tumor formations in 5 or 6 days. The patient was cured in 2.5 months. Small, even multiple tumors are easily treated with the Ashbach method

Malignant Thyroid Tumor Recurrence Thyroid Malignant Tumor. The right lobe of the thyroid gland was removed. A few months later, a recurrence occurred below the surgical suture. The patient underwent 4 operations, including one on the mammary gland. It was announced to her relatives that she had 2 months left.

After 6 months - complete treatment

Malignant breast tumor.

An operation was performed to remove it with the removal of lymph nodes. A few months later, a thickening appeared 4 cm below the distant tumor. After the start of treatment, the tumor "came" to the surface. In the future, the typical course of treatment: the exit of the tumor to the outside in the form of ulcers, ulceration of ulcers with subsequent healing

The same patient at the end of treatment.

Healing started from the center of the malignant tumor. There are traces of a patch. 12 years have passed, there is no relapse


Conditions of treatment at a clinic in Warsaw

Treatment in the clinic lasts from 24 to 30 days. The cost of treatment is from 2,000 to 3,000 euros. Every day for 4-6 hours you are on procedures. Accommodation in a hotel at the clinic - the rooms are very comfortable and inexpensive. To issue the invitation, you need to send copies of 5 pages of your passport and a copy of the statement with the diagnosis.

Excerpts from patients' letters

The patient is 66 years old. Diagnosis: Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervixNovember 23, 2011

Dear Dino Semenivna. I am asking you for help. To my wife I... Tamara Kindrativna 12.23. 1947 birth, it is suggested to remove the uterus, because she bothered her and scolded her. During the biopsy, profuse bleeding was discovered. Then, in view of the ineffectiveness of conservative measures, he was urgently transferred to the operating room in order to stop the bleeding. After the autopsy of the peritoneum, it was found that the uterus was enlarged up to 8 weeks of pregnancy, densely closed. Increase due to the infiltrate, on the right reaches the bones of the pelvis, on the left to the walls of the pelvis. The large omentum is unchanged, the surface of the liver is smooth. Lumbar lymph nodes are enlarged on both sides. Express biopsy result: squamous cell carcinoma. Final clinical diagnosis: squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, diabetes mellitus 2 t, medium severity, subcompensation. Arterial hypertension of the 2nd century. This is the kind of trouble that befell our family. I read on the Internet about Ashbach devices, they ended up in Alma-Ata, tomorrow I will go to buy them, I agreed on this with your representative. Now you need trace elements that you make up and your herbs. Help me with the treatment. The wife was ordered to come for an appointment at the oncology clinic on December 7. Previously, there was no possibility: the suture did not heal and the reception time is strictly limited. What advise to perform before visiting an oncologist. I really hope for your help. Sincerely, Volodymyr.

December 7, 2011. Dear Dina Semenivna! Today, the wife visited an oncologist who confirmed the diagnosis of stage 3 cervical cancer. Recommends radiation. No additional appointments are offered. We will achieve the quota for irradiation. Sincerely YOURS Volodymyr

March 6, 2012. Good afternoon, dear Dina Semenivna! Today is a very important day in our family: after 6 intracavitary irradiations together with the use of ionized solutions with microelements and herbs sent by you, the tumor of the uterus was destroyed, its surroundings were cleared. The radiologist herself is in a state of pleasant surprise: for many years of practice, she has not achieved such a result with one exposure! We continue to follow your recommendations. I bow low to you and your team. Sincerely, Volodymyr.

Patient Z, 76 years old. Diagnosis: Adenocarcinoma of the uterus stage 3, metastases of the anterior abdominal wall, metastases in the lungs Hello, Dino Semenivna! Thank you for paying attention to me. I remind myself. I'M FROM………. Lyudmila Ivanivna, from Yekaterinburg, 76 years old. Uterine cancer. In words, the matter is like this. In November 2009, I started bleeding, gradually they increased. She did not seek medical help for six months. In June 2010 adenocarcinoma of the uterus was diagnosed, an operation was performed to remove the uterus with appendages - vaginal panhysterectomy. After that, I underwent a course of radiation and light chemotherapy. During the following time - 1.5 years, I was observed by an oncologist, my health did not deteriorate. Vela led a healthy lifestyle, moved a lot, started drinking homemade plant poisons (aconite, hemlock, amanita), collecting herbs. Everything seemed to be getting better, but 1.5 years later, during another ultrasound examination, they discovered a mass in the lower abdomen and metastases along the anterior abdominal wall. A more in-depth CT scan revealed numerous small foci in different places, including the lungs. There was none in the liver. A course of radio-chemotherapy was immediately conducted. And then chemotherapy began to be carried out every month - 2 weeks, chemotherapy, 2 weeks of rest, 7 such cycles have already been carried out.

In general, I have been purposefully treated for oncology since January 2009 using the methods of the Sochi biologist G. A. Garbuzov, who in turn recommended contacting you about purchasing your unique devices and sets of minerals. In April of this month, I corresponded with you and received your recommendations, devices and minerals. Immediately, from April of this month (already six months), I started using your devices. That is, to breathe with ions and use ionized solutions, according to the instructions you sent (in the paperclip). I want to inform you about the results of the treatment and ask some questions. I have three official conclusions, obtained after passing a computer tomography, about the state of my health - as of January 11 (start of treatment), then March 26, and finally July 11. During the initial examination on January 11, metastases and multiple nodes were found in me, including two in the peritoneum measuring 43x47 and 19x20 mm, two in the right lung - up to 12 mm in size, one in the left lung - about 7 mm in size, one in area of the uterine stump measuring 26x42 mm. A secondary CT scan from March 26 revealed a reduction of all tumors and metastases by 40-60%, their softening, and at the same time no new nodes appeared. The last examination on July 11 showed a further reduction of the nodes - up to 70% of the initial size, and the previously existing focus in the left lung had completely disappeared.

At the very beginning of the treatment, the doctor did not give me a penny for my recovery. Now she is very surprised by the dynamics of the regression, and attributes these results to the "miracle" chemistry that has been teasing me all this time. I perfectly understand the real reason for my improvements, I am very grateful to you for the unique methods that official medicine does not provide. Please advise me on further treatment.

Sincerely, From... Lyudmila Ivanovna.

A little funny, but very revealing letter from another the patient.

Diagnosis: Prostate cancer. Good afternoon, dear Dina Semenivna! In three days, my dog has to be operated on for mammary oncology. I want to treat her with ionized water with trace elements after the operation. I ask you to accept the order for anti-cancer microelements of this profile. I myself took ionized solutions with trace elements and herbs against prostate cancer babout 2 months against the background of taking Zoladex. The last analysis of PSA is 0.31. During the last 4 years, there was no PSA below 2.5 even after the introduction of zoladex. I attribute this positive effect to the effect of ionized solutions with your micro-supplements and herbs. I wish you a happy New Year and Christmas. Your grateful patient.

Diagnosis: Stage 4 stomach cancer

Good evening, Dino Semenivna. My mother is sick with stage 4 adenocarcinoma of the stomach with metastases in the liver. Made two very strong chemotherapy. Tolerates very poorly. Doctors say there is very little hope. Advise which of your products can help. Ready to buy. Thank you.

Congratulations, Lilia

In my opinion, the diagnosis is serious, but gives a chance for survival. Therefore, let's fight: today we need to make chemistry more effective and its side effects to a minimum. I have many patients to whom the doctors give almost no chance of survival, and after chemotherapy with our accompanying therapy, they are amazed by its effectiveness (especially if they do not know that the patient is undergoing it) and say - "I have been working for twenty years, I have not seen such success." But many oncologists already know and refer all patients to us. Now for cytostatics: Epirubicin and oxaliplatin have a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract, heart, respiratory system, and kidneys. Therefore, these organs should be protected. I really don't like Xeloda - it has much more side effects than the effect on the tumor. I met patients whose legs were removed after taking it, there was a general worsening of their condition. In addition, I saw a very important phrase in your statement - the entire tumor process occurs against the background of gastritis with intestinal metaplasia. So, the treatment will be much more successful if it is possible to remove this unfavorable background of hr. gastritis, against the background of which the malignant process arose. According to your documents, I recommend you: Ionizer Ashbach 04, microelements Sanation, Pendulum, SSS, Healthy Buds. Herbs: Metastases in the liver, GI-Gastritis, CVS, Healthy lungs. Individual instructions Buy the ionizer, sanitation and pendulum from Yura, we will send the rest to you from Germany. I am sending your letter to tech. department - there you will be calculated the cost of the order.

January 20

Good afternoon, Dino Semenivna! I am sending you my mother's diagnosis and protocol chemotherapy. We did chemistry for the third time on December 11, we gave up xeloda. We have not yet received a PET CT scan, we are waiting for the queue. Mom is already feeling much better, completely different than in the past chemistry sessions. She drinks according to your instructions "Gastritis RK" and drinks mixed water, only complains that after that she starts to have a headache. We are waiting for your instructions on the use of other herbs that we received. If we don't have to do chemotherapy, then we start drinking all your herbs and micronutrients. (Waiting for your instructions). They passed the blocks for the reaction to Herceptil. (they haven't arrived yet).

February 27

Good afternoon, dear Dina Semenivna! My mother has stage 4 stomach cancer. They were examined in Israel. We bought Ashbach and herbs with trace elements from you, drank everything according to the instructions. (SCC microelements still remain). After that, they did a repeat examination. The results made us happy, maybe I'm writing it wrong - we're just happy, but we're afraid to believe. Doctors in Israel were also surprised - they say that chemotherapy helped you extremely effectively, we did not expect such a result at all. I think only because we did it together with your accompanying therapy. We started after three rounds of chemotherapy, and it was already clear that mom tolerated the third chemotherapy much easier. And according to the results. You told me for the first time that the doctors would tell us later how well our chemotherapy helped you. That's how it turned out. thank you very much I will send you the results after the examination. I would like to continue to correspond with you and accept your products. Tell the mail what we need to buy from you next to support the remission of our disease. Tell the post office how to take the water from Ashbach to the mother. Thank you very much.

Results of treatment of trophic ulcers by the "Aschbach" method

Before treatment (a trophic ulcer due to varicose veins did not close for 9 years)

Two weeks after starting treatment

Three weeks after the start of treatment

Trophic ulcer of diabetic etiology (did not heal for 5 years)

Before treatment

After treatment (3 weeks)

Trophic ulcers of traumatic etiology

The story of the patient Voda Ashbach saves from amputation

Ashbach water treatment of leg wounds (from the story of patient L.F. Zlatkis (Latvia))

In 1993, I had a terrible accident and almost had my leg amputated, but the doctor at the hospital said: "We will always have time to amputate, we will try to save it." Yes, not without a painful process of healing and rehabilitation, during the year my leg was saved.

Everything was fine until suddenly I turned yellow and two huge stitches on my right leg in the thigh area came apart (10 years after the accident in 2003). Doctors have not yet established the cause of what happened. After a long stay in the hospital and a huge amount of medication, I was discharged with open wounds on my leg. It was scary to watch. All muscles were visible in the wounds, the size of which was approximately 10-15 cm long and 3-6 cm wide. There were deep "pockets" (approximately 1.5 cm) in the upper and lower parts of the wounds. The doctors practically refused to treat me, having prescribed a large number of narcotic tablets, it is not clear why.

Being in such a situation, I accidentally heard through my acquaintances about the treatment of trophic ulcers using Dina Aschbach's method. At first I did not believe that anything would help me, but I was not ready to amputate my leg. This is how my Ashbach water treatment began. The result began to manifest itself by the end of the 1st week: the color of the wound changed (from dark blue to bright red), the wounds began to slowly contract. The wound was completely closed by the end of the 2nd month of treatment. I didn't go

to the hospital anymore


Stimulation of the immune system during cancer, chemotherapy and radiation

Currently, methods of treatment with "Ashbach" ionized solutions are successfully used for the treatment of cancer, recovery of patients after chemotherapy and radiation to prevent cancer relapses. On this page, I show the results of treatment with Ashbach ionized solutions on the immune system in the case of a tumor and radiation.

Why is stimulation of the immune system so important for a developing malignant tumor?

A growing tumor seems to understand that the only power to stop its growth is the immune system.

That is why he tries with all his might to suppress immunity.

In this chart you can see our research on the effect of a growing malignant tumor on antibody production.

The blue bar is the number of antibodies in healthy people

The red column is the production of antibodies in the case of a malignant tumor that has developed.

Green column - stimulation of antibody production in those who received treatment with ionized solutions "Ashbach"


Effect of "Ashbach" solutions at high doses of irradiation

The diagrams below show experimental studies that show that Ashbach solutions at high doses of radiation (the same applies to chemotherapy drugs) stimulate immunity, stimulate the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes. Thus, drinking Ashbach solutions during irradiation stimulated the immune response by 2.2 times, and injection increased the production of antibodies by 2.5 times.


Ionized solutions "Ashbach" practically restore the number of erythrocytes to normal during irradiation

Ashbach's ionized solutions delay the development of metastases. Ashbach's ionized solutions have an even more significant effect on the development of metastases. Studies have shown that a group of animals that drank ionized solutions had half as many metastatic lesions as a group that drank tap water. On the left is the number of metastases in the lungs while drinking plain water, on the right - while drinking Ashbach solutions with trace elements. Dark points are foci of metastasis in the lungs. Even with the unaided eye, it can be seen that there are dozens of times fewer metastasis foci in those drunk with Ashbach ionized solutions. (Treatment during the month)



Detailed information about pure ionized water filters, treatment methods for various diseases, cancer treatment clinic and other diseases using the Ashbach method can be found by reading these pages or by calling:

In Ukraine: +380(66) 9352105; +38 (098) 6696469;

In Germany: 8-10-49-2104 137 93 55

Writing to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prices on the website are indicated in cash. Payment in cash is possible only when buying in Kyiv, during self-delivery, as well as at Novaya Poshta branches when receiving the goods.

Payment is made exclusively in the national currency.

Bank details

In Germany

Recipient: ESPERON GmbH
Bank:  Postbank Frankfurt, Deutschland
Current account:       Konto: 11 471 603 
Bank account:      BLZ: 500 100 60
IBAN: DE75500100600011471603
Address bank:Eckenheimer Landstr. 242
60320 Frankfurt am Main
Legal addressof the company
Südweg 10
53773 Hennef

Payment  by Pay-Pal  (+ 5.4%)

For payment via Pay-Pal:

Bfast postal order WesternUnion or   MoneyGram

to the name  Aschbach  Dina
Please note that in Germany the surname comes first, check this on the computer when sending the payment