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Dina Ashbach
Дина Ашбах
Ionizers, electric activators, water electrolyzers, stationary, flow-through, with mineral filler.
Electric ionizers for pitta and treatment
High-quality devices that can change the quality of your life
Mineral ionizers for healing and treatment
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Results of type 1 and 2 diabetes treatment using the "Aschbach" method

Currently, methods of treatment with "Ashbach" solutions are successfully used for the treatment of cancer, recovery of patients after chemotherapy and radiation to prevent relapses, treatment of arthrosis, neurodermatitis, eczema, prostate adenoma, hepatitis C, diabetes. It is impossible to list all research data on these diseases on several pages of the Internet. I chose only some topics.

Using the Ashbach method

in the treatment of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, normalizes blood sugar, reduces insulin consumption, stops sugar spikes

In patients with type 2 diabetes who used insulin injections, treatment with the Aschbach method improves their condition so much that they not only reduce insulin doses, but often switch to from injections to tablets. In patients with type 1 diabetes, insulin consumption decreases, their condition improves, and blood sugar spikes stop.

When using Ashbach water in diabetics and the 1st and 2nd groups, cholesterol and glycosylated hemoglobin indicators improve, the content of "good cholesterol" in the blood increases, the content of "bad cholesterol » decreases. This means not only improving the work of β-cells of the pancreas, but also preventing terrible complications of diabetes: trophic ulcers, amputations, blindness, dialysis.

In this diagram you can see the decrease in blood sugar in type 2 diabetics, which begins already in the second week of using Ashbach water (black curve)

The following chart shows the decrease in insulin consumption in patients with type 2 diabetes.


The following chart shows the decrease in insulin consumption in patients with type 1 diabetes


The Ashbach water treatment method has already helped hundreds of diabetics to improve their health, reduce blood sugar and insulin consumption, improve glycosylated hemoglobin, make β work -cells of one's own body.

 I present on this page the results of using "Ashbach" water in a well-known in Ukraine of man, President of the Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine" Pyotr Mykhailovych Talanchuk.

When I met him for the first time, I was struck by his energy and business activity. A huge institute, extensive charitable activities for the disabled and, of course, empty stress, irregular working hours - hence the diseases. Pyotr Mykhalovych has diabetes, blood glucose -19 mlmol/l. Was After several weeks of treatment with ionized water "Ashbach", blood sugar decreased more than three times! - Up to 6 mlmol/l.

Our Medical Center "Redox-Profi" treats a wide variety of diseases according to German complex methods of traditional and alternative medicine. Including such diseases as diabetes, cancer, arthrosis, hepatitis, adenoma of the prostate gland, recovery of motor activity after a stroke, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, etc.

How to treat diabetes by the Aschbach method?

Buy an ionizer, trace elements and treatment methods

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Currently, instructions have been developed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontosis
  • Allergodermatitis and eczema
  • Nonspecific colpitis, yeast colpitis, disturbed pH of the vagina and cervical endocervicitis
  • Sore throat and chronic tonsillitis
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Decubitus
  • Wrinkle prevention and correction
  • Facial seborrhea complicated by acne
  • Prevention and treatment of hair loss
  • Type 1 and 2 diabetes (with the addition of trace elements)
  • Osteoporosis (with the addition of trace elements)
  • Pyelonephritis and chronic cystitis (with the addition of trace elements)
  • Adenoma of the prostate gland (with the addition of trace elements)
  • Restoration of sexual activity (with the addition of trace elements)
  • Hypertension (with the addition of trace elements)
  • Chronic colitis (with the addition of trace elements)
  • Gastritis with increased acidity (with the addition of trace elements)
  • Cake (with the addition of trace elements)
  • Chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis (with the addition of trace elements)
  • Oncological diseases (with the addition of trace elements)
  • Gastritis with reduced kilotons (with the addition of trace elements)
  • Psoriasis (with the addition of trace elements) Hemorrhoids (with the addition of trace elements)
  • Gout, Arthrosis (with the addition of trace elements)
  • Tropical ulcers
  • Thyroid disease (with the addition of trace elements)
  • The use of silver water for the treatment of various diseases

Results of treatment of arthrosis in Med. Center "Ashbakh" 2016

<iframe width="560" height="315" src=";showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The action of water from the “Ashbach” ionizer filter.

The amazing powers of water collected in ionizers - filters "Aschbach" were shown in a documentary film. We filmed this film near Germany, near Dresden. You have an experiment in which the effects of water from the “Ashbach” filter-ionizer and the changes that are observed in the blood are shown using heat-field microscopy. At the doctor’s office there is a diabetic man with an over-the-world anxiety sitting at the reception. The doctor takes a drop of blood and examines it under a microscope in a black field. The patient shows a typical picture of oxidation of the body - red blood cells that are stuck in coin counters. Then the patient drinks water prepared in an Aschbach filter-ionizer. After a day, a new blood sample is taken - and... the exciting health benefits of this water: red blood cells are freely collapsing in the bloodstream!


this stone is widely used in Japan as a “stone for health.” The water mineralized by it contains potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, titanium, vanadium, cobalt, manganese, copper, zinc, lithium, strontium, molybdenum, niobium, selenium, silicon and rare elements - a total of more than 30 types.Drinking water saturated with minerals May-fen has a healing effect for allergies, hypertension, stomach diseases, chronic gastritis, nephritis, hepatitis, kidney disease, diabetes.


Mineral granulate "Nordenau Stöhlen"

Contains a complex of valuable minerals from the relict sea of the Nordenau Cave. (Germany, Nordenau Stollen). Nordenau minerals have been aged for centuries in natural, environmentally friendly conditions and therefore their effect on the human body has an amazing healing effect.

The ESPERON company (Germany) offers you a unique mineral granulate obtained from the minerals of the Nordenau caves. Nordenau Cave mineral granules contain micro and macroelements of natural origin that regulate metabolism and are effective against allergies.

Alkaline bicarbonate minerals
Have a healing effect on the kidneys. They make the water alkaline with a high content of sodium, calcium and magnesium bicarbonate. They have a diuretic effect, anti-inflammatory effect, remove products of nitrogen metabolism from the body, and cleanse the kidneys. dissolves stones of various compositions - oxalates, urates, phosphates.

Gesund durch Wasser



Filter-ionizer "Antidiabetes"

Gesund durch Wasser



For people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Produces: purified water with an alkaline pH, negative potential, rich in minerals that help restore the function of pancreatic ß-cells

Has: a strong antioxidant effect, contains antioxidant minerals that stimulate the activity of b-cells of the pancreas and activation of insulin secretion, increases cell sensitivity.

Consists of:

From a bottle with a built-in main filter with the “Restoring” mineral complex for daily drinking and an additional filter in the form of a white transparent ball containing anti-diabetic minerals, as well as an additional “Cleansing” mineral complex designed to cleanse the body for 7 days each month.

Composition of the mineral complex "Restoring:

  • Tourmaline
  • Activated carbon from coconut shell
  • Shungite
  • Japanese health stone Mai-feng

Composition of the additional ball filter:

  • Antidiabetic minerals Nordenau gallery

As scientists have found, it is not enough just to put tourmaline or other healing stone into the water. As a result, the water will not change its parameters and will not acquire a negative potential or alkaline pH. In order for minerals to give water their healing properties, they must be processed. All minerals in our complex are processed using special nanotechnology and have a round or round-oval shape. Only in this form do they act on water most effectively.

Of all the minerals existing on earth, only tourmaline carries a permanent electrical charge and has piezoelectric properties, promotes ionization of water, saturates water with negative ions, and gives it antioxidant properties. Negative ions improve overall well-being, normalize sleep, stimulate the immune system, improve blood circulation, destroy free radicals and are powerful antioxidants.
Tourmaline contains: potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, silicon, iodine, fluorine and other components. A total of 26 microelements from the periodic table.

Activated carbon from coconut shells, pregnated with silver ions
The unique properties of activated carbon from coconut shells are the presence of a large number of micropores (1 gram = 1000-1300 m2 of pores), high strength , capacity and low ash content. A large number of micropores ensures effective removal of low molecular weight organics and their chlorine derivatives - chlorine, chloroform and carcinogenic substances (i.e. compounds that cause cancer) - trihalomethanes.
Activated carbon is made by heating coconut shells in ovens without access to oxygen. Experts have recognized activated carbon from coconut shells as the best compared to carbon from all other materials. Activated carbon in our filters is treated with silver ions, which achieves another goal - purification of the granulate itself and the water passing through the filter from bacterial infection.

Shungite is a mineral that is notable for the fact that its composition includes almost all the elements of D.I. Mendeleev’s periodic table. The main element in its composition is carbon. It is carbon that fullerenes are made of - an amazing healing and healing compound of nature.

Aqueous solutions of fullerenes are the most powerful antioxidants that destroy free radicals, act against diabetes, prevent the development of cardiovascular and cancer diseases, and have strong antiallergic properties.

Fullerenes protect the liver from toxic influences, neutralize poisons and toxins of various natures, and effectively remove autoimmune complexes from the body.

Fullerenes have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, due to which they relieve pain and inflammation, suppress a wide range of allergic diseases and increase immunity.

Antiviral and antiparasitic properties have been identified for fullerenes.

As for oncology, fullerenes relieve the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy and inhibit tumor growth by 1.5-2 times.

Japanese health stone Mai-fen
The Japanese health stone Mai-fen has a thousand-year history in Eastern countries. It has been known since the Ming Dynasty and is described in the medical collection Medica. In recent years, this stone has been widely used in Japan as a “stone for health.” The water mineralized by it contains potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, titanium, vanadium, cobalt, manganese, copper, zinc, lithium, strontium, molybdenum, niobium , selenium, silicon and rare elements - a total of more than 30 types.Substances such as selenium, zinc, and manganese compensate, improve metabolism in the body and improve the functioning of the ß-cells of the pancreas, thereby contributing to the treatment of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes type, and magnesium, iron, copper, aluminum, iodine help strengthen the cardiovascular system. Microelements of the Japanese health stone improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking water saturated with minerals May-fen has a healing effect for allergies, hypertension, gastric diseases, chronic gastritis, nephritis, hepatitis, kidney disease, diabetes.

Mineral granulate "Nordenau Stollen"

Contains a complex of valuable minerals from the relict sea of the Nordenau Cave. (Germany, Nordenau Stollen). This is a 25-meter mineral layer that appeared in the ground as a result of geological faults at the site of an underground relict sea. Nordenau minerals have been aged for centuries in natural, environmentally friendly conditions and therefore their effect on the human body has an amazing healing effect.

The ESPERON company (Germany) offers you a unique mineral granulate obtained from the minerals of the Nordenau caves. Nordenau cave mineral granulate contains micro and macroelements of natural origin - potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, which regulate metabolism and effectively act against diabetes and its complications - trophic ulcers, cataracts, kidney failure.

It is very important for a diabetic patient to drink water with an alkaline pH, negative potential, saturated with beneficial minerals in ionic form every day as drinking water. This water counteracts oxidation, saturates the body with antioxidants, reduces sugar, glycosylated hemoglobin and helps avoid diabetes complications!

Gesund durch Wasser



Ionizer filter "Teenager"

Gesund durch Wasser



Recommended for:

  • for schoolchildren and students from 7 to 18 years old
  1. strengthens the immune system
  2. has an antioxidant effect
  3. regulates intestinal flora
  4. provides a constant flow of energy
  5. increases concentration and attention

Produces: purified water with an alkaline pH, negative potential, saturated with minerals in 100% digestible form

Has: a strong antioxidant effect, daily removes toxins from the body, increases performance and memory

Consists of:

From a bottle with a built-in main filter with the “Restoring” mineral complex for daily drinking and an additional “Cleansing” mineral complex designed to cleanse the body for 7 days of each month.


  • Tourmaline
  • Activated carbon from coconut shell
  • Shungite
  • Minerals of Nordenau gallery
  • Japanese health stone Mai-feng

As scientists have found, it is not enough just to put tourmaline or other healing stone into the water. As a result, the water will not change its parameters and will not acquire a negative potential or alkaline pH. In order for minerals to give water their healing properties, they must be processed. All minerals in our complex are processed using special nanotechnology and have a round or round-oval shape. Only in this form do they act on water most effectively.

Of all the minerals existing on earth, only tourmaline carries a permanent electrical charge and has piezoelectric properties, promotes ionization of water, saturates water with negative ions, and gives it antioxidant properties. Negative ions improve overall well-being, normalize sleep, stimulate the immune system, improve blood circulation, destroy free radicals and are powerful antioxidants.
Tourmaline contains: potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, silicon, iodine, fluorine and other components. A total of 26 microelements from the periodic table.

Activated carbon from coconut shells, pregnated with silver ions
The unique properties of activated carbon from coconut shells are the presence of a large number of micropores (1 gram = 1000-1300 m2 of pores), high strength , capacity and low ash content. A large number of micropores ensures effective removal of low molecular weight organics and their chlorine derivatives - chlorine, chloroform and carcinogenic substances (i.e. compounds that cause cancer) - trihalomethanes.
Activated carbon is made by heating coconut shells in ovens without access to oxygen. Experts have recognized activated carbon from coconut shells as the best compared to carbon from all other materials. Activated carbon in our filters is treated with silver ions, which achieves another goal - purification of the granulate itself and the water passing through the filter from bacterial infection.

Shungite is a mineral that is notable for the fact that its composition includes almost all the elements of D.I. Mendeleev’s periodic table. The main element in its composition is carbon. It is carbon that fullerenes are made of - an amazing healing and healing compound of nature. Aqueous solutions of fullerenes are the most powerful antioxidants that destroy free radicals and provide a constant flow of energy into the body. Their effect in strength and duration is many times greater than that of well-known antioxidants - vitamins C, E, carotenes. Fullerenes protect the liver, neutralize poisons and toxins. Fullerenes normalize nervous processes, affecting the exchange of neurotransmitters, increase performance and resistance to stress. Fullerenes have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, due to which they relieve pain and inflammation, suppress a wide range of allergic diseases and increase immunity. Fullerenes have been shown to have antiviral and antiparasitic properties.

Japanese health stone Mai-fen
The Japanese health stone Mai-fen has a thousand-year history in the countries of the East. It has been known since the Ming Dynasty and is described in the medical collection Medica. In recent years, this stone has been widely used in Japan as "health stone". The water mineralized by it contains potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, titanium, vanadium, cobalt, manganese, copper, zinc, lithium, strontium, molybdenum, niobium, selenium, silicon and rare elements - a total of more than 30 species. Substances such as selenium, zinc, and manganese compensate, improve metabolism in the body and improve the functioning of the ß-cells of the pancreas, thereby contributing to the treatment of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and magnesium, iron, copper, aluminum, iodine help strengthen the heart. -vascular system. Microelements of the Japanese health stone improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking water saturated with minerals May-fen has a healing effect for gastrointestinal diseases, chronic gastritis, nephritis, hepatitis, kidney disease, diabetes.

Minerals of Nordenau adits

Complex of valuable minerals from the relict sea of the Nordenau cave. (Germany, Nordenau Stollen). This is a 25-meter mineral layer that appeared in the ground as a result of geological faults at the site of an underground relict sea. Nordenau minerals have been aged for centuries in natural, environmentally friendly conditions and therefore their effect on the human body has an amazing healing effect.

The ESPERON company (Germany) offers you a unique mineral granulate obtained from the minerals of the Nordenau caves. Nordenau Cave mineral granulate contains micro and macroelements of natural origin - potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, which regulate metabolism and effectively act against fatigue, increases concentration and attention.

Water with a negative redox potential and alkaline pH, saturated with natural minerals in ionized form, is recommended for schoolchildren and students to drink every day as a drinking water supply. It will bring health and help with studies

Filter-ionizer "Sport"

The most effective means for improving athletic performance

The taste and composition are just water
The action is energy doping

  • Enhances energy supply to muscles
  • Resists body oxidation, removes lactic acid from muscles
  • Has a strong antioxidant effect
  • Stimulates the immune system

Produces: purified water with an alkaline pH, negative potential, saturated with minerals in 100% digestible form

Has: a strong antioxidant effect, neutralizes and removes lactic acid from the body, stimulates the production of ATP, treats diseases of the joints and muscles, restores strength, gives energy and vigor.

Consists of:

From a bottle with a built-in main filter with the “Restoring” mineral complex for daily drinking and an additional “Cleansing” mineral complex designed to cleanse the body for 7 days of each month.


  • Tourmaline
  • Activated carbon from coconut shell
  • Brown silicon
  • Minerals of NordenauNordenau Stollen

Of all the minerals existing on earth, only tourmaline carries a permanent electrical charge and has piezoelectric properties, promotes ionization of water, saturates water with negative ions, and gives it antioxidant properties. Negative ions improve overall well-being, normalize sleep, stimulate the immune system, improve blood circulation, destroy free radicals and are powerful antioxidants.
Tourmaline contains: potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, silicon, iodine, fluorine and other components. A total of 26 microelements from the periodic table. Tourmaline is an effective antioxidant that not only protects body cells from free radicals, but also participates in the metabolism of amino acids and collagen formation. It improves the absorption of iron from food and also stimulates testosterone production, which is especially important for men. During sports activities, there is an active loss of antioxidants, so after each workout you should try to replenish their losses. Negative ions. which tourmaline releases into water give the water strong antioxidant properties. Negatively charged ions also increase the production of ATP, which means they increase the body’s energy supply.

Activated carbon from coconut shells, pregnated with silver ions
The unique properties of activated carbon from coconut shells are the presence of a large number of micropores (1 gram = 1000-1300 m2 of pores), high strength , capacity and low ash content. A large number of micropores ensures effective removal of low molecular weight organics and their chlorine derivatives - chlorine, chloroform and carcinogenic substances (i.e. compounds that cause cancer) - trihalomethanes.
Activated carbon is made by heating coconut shells in ovens without access to oxygen. Experts have recognized activated carbon from coconut shells as the best compared to carbon from all other materials. Activated carbon in our filters is treated with silver ions, which achieves another goal - purification of the granulate itself and the water passing through the filter from bacterial infection.

Minerals of Nordenau Nordenau Stollen

Contains a complex of valuable minerals from the relict sea of the Nordenau Cave. (Germany, Nordenau Stollen). This is a 25-meter mineral layer that appeared in the ground as a result of geological faults at the site of an underground relict sea. Nordenau minerals have been aged for centuries in natural, environmentally friendly conditions and therefore their effect on the human body has an amazing healing effect.

The ESPERON company (Germany) offers you a unique mineral granulate obtained from the minerals of the Nordenau caves. Nordenau Cave mineral granulate contains micro and macroelements of natural origin - calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, vanadium, copper, iron, zinc, chromium, iodine, phosphorus, manganese, chromium in an ionized form that is 100% digestible by the body.

Potassium. One of the most important electrolytes in the body. Together with sodium, it regulates the water content inside cells. Provides maintenance of electrical potential in nerves and on the surface of cell membranes, regulating muscle contraction. Included in the mechanism of glycogen accumulation - the main source of energy in the cell. Poor potassium-sodium balance leads to impaired water metabolism, dehydration, weakening of muscles.
Copper. The main amount of copper (about 50%) is found in muscle and bone tissue. Copper is involved in the construction of a number of enzymes and proteins. Its role in ensuring physiological and biochemical processes during physical activity is associated with the regulation of the processes of biological oxidation and ATP generation, in the synthesis of collagen and elastin and in iron metabolism. Copper is a hematopoietic microelement that is actively involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and myoglobin. For this reason, copper is one of the most important microelements for an athlete.
Iron. This microelement is part of blood hemoglobin, which is responsible for oxygen transport and oxidative reactions. There is a direct connection between the level of iron supply in the body and physical performance.
How does this affect your sports activities? The speed of recovery after training depends on the aerobic activity of the body. The more oxygen gets into the tissues, the faster the muscles are restored for further work. In case of iron deficiency in the body, all parts of aerobic metabolism suffer, but primarily the tissue respiration system, which is due to the very high rate of renewal of heme-containing enzymes, in particular cytochromes. The risk of developing iron deficiency states in actively training athletes is quite high, which is due to various reasons. Against the background of very high physical and neuro-emotional stress, firstly, the natural loss of iron from the body through the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and especially through the skin with sweat increases significantly, secondly, the adaptive synthesis of iron-containing proteins - hemoglobin, myoglobin, increases cytochromes, iron-dependent dehydrogenases. Microtrauma during sports activities is also a pathway for iron loss. All these factors lead to the fact that the need for iron in athletes can be increased by almost 2 times compared to physically inactive people. Unfortunately, iron is very poorly absorbed from almost all foods. For example, green vegetables contain a lot of iron, but its absorption is about 1%. It is more easily absorbed from meat products - up to 10%. Approximately 90% of iron medications leave the body unchanged. That’s why using ionized water from the “Sport” mineral filter is so effective. Iron is found in ionized water in an ionized and 100% digestible form.
Phosphorus. Directly participates in metabolic processes, making up part of the important energy carriers - adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate. In addition, phosphorus reduces the amount of lactic acid in the blood. It helps ensure the speed and power of muscle contractions, which is important for both strength and speed training.
Chromium Along with zinc, manganese, copper and iron, chromium is the most valuable trace element in the nutrition of athletes during prolonged aerobic exercise, when the role of carbohydrates and fats in the body’s energy supply increases significantly, especially during the competitive period.
Zinc. This element is involved in almost all stages of cell growth. It is necessary for the functioning of more than 300 different enzymes. Intense exercise promotes accelerated zinc loss. The diet of many athletes is too low in zinc.
Calcium. Calcium is directly involved in muscle contraction. If there is little of it, the muscles cannot contract quickly and strongly.
The stress received by the bones during training increases the consumption of calcium to increase their strength.
Magnesium The number 1 microelement for strength athletes - not only because of its well-known mechanism of action, but also because the positive effect of this element on sports performance has been clearly proven. Magnesium is one of the key components in energy storage and protein synthesis. It is lost in large quantities through sweat. A recently published study showed a significant increase in muscle strength with magnesium supplementation. Considering the importance of this element in muscle biochemistry, it is not difficult to understand the enthusiasm of so many athletes and coaches regarding magnesium.
Iodine. Plays an active role in the biosynthesis of hormones. It is involved in the formation of thyroid hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine. This hormone controls the state of energy metabolism, the intensity of basal metabolism and the level of heat production. It actively affects physical and mental development, differentiation and maturation of tissues, participates in the regulation of the functional state of the central nervous system and emotional tone of a person, and affects the activity of the cardiovascular system and liver.
Selenium. An element whose compounds have powerful antioxidant properties. Selenium is involved in the formation of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which, in turn, ensures the regeneration of tissues damaged by free radicals. For athletes selenium is needed in larger quantities than for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.
Manganese. An element that is an activator of certain enzyme systems. Manganese is necessary for normal growth, maintenance of reproductive function, osteogenesis processes, and normal metabolism of connective tissue. It is also involved in the regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and actively stimulates cholesterol biosynthesis. An adequate amount of manganese is very important during strength and developmental physical activity, especially in young men.

It is recommended to drink water from the “Sport” mineral ionizer every day as drinking water. ONLY THEN WILL YOU KEEP YOUR HEALTH AND INCREASE YOUR SPORTS RESULTS

Kinder ionizer filter

designed for children from birth to 12 years

Gesund durch Wasser



Recommended for:

  • to strengthen the immune system of a fragile child’s body
  • has an antioxidant effect
  • regulates intestinal flora
  • strengthens bones and teeth

Produces: purified water with an alkaline pH, negative potential, saturated with minerals in a 100% digestible form

Has: a strong antioxidant effect, daily removes toxins from the body, increases performance and memory

Consists of:

From a bottle with a built-in main filter with the “Restoring” mineral complex for daily drinking and an additional “Cleansing” mineral complex designed to cleanse the body for 7 days of every month.


  • Tourmaline
  • Activated carbon from coconut shell
  • Coral calcium Sango
  • Minerals of Nordenau Stollen
  • Japanese health stone Mai-feng pink

As scientists have found, it is not enough just to put tourmaline or other healing stone into the water. As a result, the water will not change its parameters and will not acquire a negative potential or alkaline pH. In order for minerals to give water their healing properties, they must be processed. All minerals in our complex are processed using special nanotechnology and have a round or round-oval shape. Only in this form do they act on water most effectively.

Of all the minerals existing on earth, only tourmaline carries a permanent electrical charge and has piezoelectric properties, promotes ionization of water, saturates water with negative ions, and gives it antioxidant properties. Negative ions improve overall well-being, normalize sleep, stimulate the immune system, improve blood circulation, destroy free radicals and are powerful antioxidants.
Tourmaline contains: potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, silicon, iodine, fluorine and other components. A total of 26 microelements from the periodic table.

Activated carbon from coconut shells, pregnated with silver ions
The unique properties of activated carbon from coconut shells are the presence of a large number of micropores (1 gram = 1000-1300 m2 of pores), high strength , capacity and low ash content. A large number of micropores ensures effective removal of low molecular weight organics and their chlorine derivatives - chlorine, chloroform and carcinogenic substances (i.e. compounds that cause cancer) - trihalomethanes.
Activated carbon is made by heating coconut shells in ovens without access to oxygen. Experts have recognized activated carbon from coconut shells as the best compared to carbon from all other materials. Activated carbon in our filters is treated with silver ions, which achieves another goal - purification of the granulate itself and the water passing through the filter from bacterial infection.

White coral mineral granules Sango
Of the 2,500 species of corals found on earth, white corals Sango are the most beneficial for human health. They consist of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and a large number of other vital trace elements. The most important component of coral is calcium. Calcium alkalizes the body, ensures normal blood clotting, affects the regulation of growth processes and activity of cells of all types of tissues, ensures the passage of electrical impulses along nerve fibers, has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, and is a building material. Aschbach water contains calcium in an easily accessible, biologically digestible form. Not only calcium, but also other microelements from coral granules go into solution in ionic form, changing the pH of the water, making it alkaline. This amazingly beneficial property of Aschbach water is of great importance for the child’s body, since a shift in the balance of the body’s pH towards increasing acidity is one of the causes of many diseases - for example, allergic diseases, which negatively affects the growth and development of the child, making him unbalanced and susceptible to colds .

Japanese health stone Mai-feng pink
Japanese health stone Mai-fen has a thousand-year history in Eastern countries. It has been known since the Ming Dynasty and is described in the medical collection Medica. In recent years, this stone has been widely used in Japan as a “health stone”. The water mineralized by it contains potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, titanium, vanadium, cobalt, manganese, copper, zinc, lithium, strontium, molybdenum, niobium, selenium, silicon and rare elements - a total of more than 30 types.Substances such as selenium, zinc, and manganese compensate improve metabolism in the body and improve the functioning of the ß-cells of the pancreas, and magnesium, iron, copper, aluminum, iodine help strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular system. Microelements of the Japanese health stone improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking water saturated with May-fen minerals has the properties to promote the physical and mental development of the child, regulates the phases of sleep and wakefulness, improves concentration.

Minerals of Nordenau Stollen

Contains a complex of valuable minerals from the relict sea of the Nordenau Cave. (Germany, Nordenau Stollen). This is a 25-meter mineral layer that appeared in the ground as a result of geological faults at the site of an underground relict sea. Nordenau minerals have been aged for centuries in natural, environmentally friendly conditions and therefore their effect on the human body has an amazing healing effect.

The ESPERON company (Germany) offers you a unique mineral granulate obtained from the minerals of the Nordenau caves. Nordenau Cave mineral granules contain micro and macroelements of natural origin that regulate metabolism, stimulate the immune system, strengthen the skeletal system and teeth, regulate intestinal flora, and have an antioxidant effect.

Water with a negative redox potential and alkaline pH, saturated with valuable minerals, is recommended for children to drink every day as drinking water WITHOUT LIMITATION OF QUANTITY. SUCH WATER IS A SOURCE OF HEALTH FOR YOUR CHILD!

Filter-ionizer "Ideal"

designed for people leading an active lifestyleот 18 до 50

Gesund durch Wasser



Recommended for:

  • people tired at work
  • doing physical labor
  • those in need of increased concentration
  • those who often suffer from colds
  • for diseases with acid-base imbalance - heartburn, gastritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis
  • for diseases of free radical oxidation - diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, liver and kidney diseases
  • as well as stressful conditions

Produces:purified water with an alkaline pH, negative potential, saturated with minerals in 100% digestible form

Possesses: strong antioxidant effect, daily removes toxins from the body, improves performance and memory

Consists of:

From a bottle with a built-in main filter with the “Restoring” mineral complex for daily drinking and an additional “Cleansing” mineral complex designed to cleanse the body for 7 days of each month.


  • Tourmaline
  • Activated carbon from coconut shell
  • Coral calcium Sango
  • Shungite
  • Japanese health stone Mai-feng

As scientists have found, it is not enough to simply put tourmaline or other healing stone into the water. As a result, the water will not change its parameters and will not acquire a negative potential or alkaline pH. In order for minerals to give water their healing properties, they must be processed. All minerals in our complex are processed using special nanotechnology and have a round or round-oval shape. Only in this form do they act on water most effectively.

Of all the minerals existing on earth, only tourmaline carries a constant electrical charge and has piezoelectric properties, saturates water with negative ions, and gives it antioxidant properties. Negative ions improve overall well-being, normalize sleep, stimulate the immune system, improve blood circulation, destroy free radicals and are powerful antioxidants. Tourmaline contains: potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, silicon, iodine, fluorine and other components. A total of 26 microelements from the periodic table.

Activated carbon from coconut shells, pregnated with silver ions
The unique properties of activated carbon from coconut shells are the presence of a large number of micropores (1 gram = 1000-1300 m2 of pores), high strength, capacity and low ash content. A large number of micropores ensures effective removal of low molecular weight organics and their chlorine derivatives - chlorine, chloroform and carcinogenic substances (i.e. compounds that cause cancer) - trihalomethanes.
Activated carbon is made by heating coconut shells in ovens without access to oxygen. Experts have recognized activated carbon from coconut shells as the best compared to carbon from all other materials. Activated carbon in our filters is treated with silver ions, which achieves another goal - purification of the granulate itself and the water passing through the filter from bacterial infection.

White Coral Sango Mineral Granule
Of the 2,500 species of corals found on earth, white Sango corals are the most beneficial for human health. They consist of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and a large number of other vital trace elements. The most important component of coral is calcium. Calcium alkalizes the body, ensures normal blood clotting, affects the regulation of growth processes and activity of cells of all types of tissues, ensures the passage of electrical impulses along nerve fibers, has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. With age, calcium deficiency in the body develops: by the age of 40, it is observed in 50% of people, by 60, in 90%, which is manifested by fatigue, early aging, decreased concentration and attention, muscle cramps, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Aschbach water contains calcium in an easily accessible, biologically digestible form. Not only calcium, but also other microelements from coral granules go into solution in ionic form, changing the pH of the water, making it alkaline. This amazingly beneficial property of Aschbach water is of great importance for the human body, because A shift in the balance of the body’s pH toward increased acidity is one of the causes of many diseases.
Shungite is a mineral that is notable for the fact that its composition includes almost all the elements of D.I. Mendeleev’s periodic table. The main element in its composition is carbon. It is carbon that fullerenes are made of - an amazing healing and healing compound of nature. Aqueous solutions of fullerenes are the most powerful antioxidants that destroy free radicals, preventing rapid aging and the development of cardiovascular and cancer diseases. Their effect in strength and duration is many times greater than that of well-known antioxidants - vitamins C, E, carotenes. Fullerenes protect the liver from toxic effects, neutralize poisons and toxins of various natures. Fullerenes normalize nervous processes, affecting the exchange of neurotransmitters, increase performance and resistance to stress. Fullerenes have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, due to which they relieve pain and inflammation, suppress a wide range of allergic diseases and increase immunity. Fullerenes have been shown to have antiviral and antiparasitic properties. As for oncology, fullerenes relieve the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy and inhibit tumor growth by 1.5-2 times.

Japanese health stone Mai-fen
The Japanese health stone Mai-fen has a thousand-year history in Eastern countries. It has been known since the Ming Dynasty and is described in the medical collection Medica. In recent years, this stone has been widely used in Japan as a “health stone”. The water mineralized by it contains potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, titanium, vanadium, cobalt, manganese, copper, zinc, lithium, strontium, molybdenum, niobium, selenium, silicon and rare elements - a total of more than 30 species. Substances such as selenium, zinc, and manganese compensate, improve metabolism in the body and improve the functioning of the ß-cells of the pancreas, thereby contributing to the treatment of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and magnesium, iron, copper, aluminum, iodine help strengthen the heart. -vascular system. Microelements of the Japanese health stone improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking water saturated with minerals May-fen has a healing effect for hypertension, gastric diseases, chronic gastritis, nephritis, hepatitis, kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease.

It is recommended to drink water with a negative redox potential every day as drinking water - ONLY THEN YOU WILL KEEP YOUR HEALTH AND GET RID OF MANY DISEASES! 

Gesund durch Wasser



Why is a mobile filter-ionizer needed?

So that a person can get clean water with healing properties in any place and at any time.

What does a mobile filter-ionizer consist of?

From a bottle with a built-in filter with a mineral complex and a screw-on cup.

How to prepare a mobile filter-ionizer for use?

Before the first use, the minerals of the "Regenerating" complex must be activated and rinsed. To do this, dilute in 500 ml. of water, 1 teaspoon of 5% vinegar /or citric acid/ and pour into a bottle for 2 hours. After that, rinse the bottle thoroughly. and pour tap water for another 2 hours. Then drain the water and use the healing power. minerals for health! This procedure of activation and cleaning should be done in the future - once a week.

How to use an ionizer filter with a mineral complex to obtain healthy drinking water?

Pour tap water into the ionizer. You should drink water with the minimum exposure time of the ionizer filter to the water for 15 minutes. At night, it is recommended to pour water from the bottle and unscrew the cap in order to dry the minerals (but you should not pour them out of the filter). The more often you dry the minerals, the longer they will serve you.

The lifetime of minerals is 1 hour, after which they must be replaced with new ones.

Manufacturing company:


Gartenkampsweg 5b

                    40822 Mettmann


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In Germany

Recipient: ESPERON GmbH
Bank:  Postbank Frankfurt, Deutschland
Current account:       Konto: 11 471 603 
Bank account:      BLZ: 500 100 60
IBAN: DE75500100600011471603
Address bank:Eckenheimer Landstr. 242
60320 Frankfurt am Main
Legal addressof the company
Südweg 10
53773 Hennef

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Bfast postal order WesternUnion or   MoneyGram

to the name  Aschbach  Dina
Please note that in Germany the surname comes first, check this on the computer when sending the payment