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Dina Ashbach
Дина Ашбах
Ionizers, electric activators, water electrolyzers, stationary, flow-through, with mineral filler.
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Mineral ionizers for healing and treatment
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Living water - the healing power of nature

Two main criteria for water with healing properties 

Alkaline pH

Negative redox potential

Why is it so important to drink water with an alkaline pH?

70% of the population of our time suffers from a violation of the acid-base balance in the acidic direction. The body's oxidation is primarily due to food products and modern technologies for their processing. Almost 80% of the products we produce are acid-forming. This does not mean that we eat foods that taste sour. This means that when these products are broken down in the body, much more acids are formed than alkalis (bases).
Acid-forming foods include: beef, pork, lamb and chicken, sausage, white flour products, sugar, coffee, black tea, all alcoholic beverages, pasteurized juices, fish and seafood, cheese, nuts and seeds, bread, buns and cakes , ice cream, eggs, lemonade, Coca-Cola. Alkaline foods (unfortunately there are very few of them) include: fruits (except canned), vegetables, herbs, natural yogurt, milk, soy, potatoes. to the development of many diseases.
These are cancer, diabetes, asthma, osteoporosis, periodontal disease, and gastrointestinal diseases. allergies, hypertension, hair loss, etc. This is why drinking water with an alkaline pH is so effective for the body - it neutralizes oxidation in the body.

Why is it important to drink water with negative redox potential?

Human blood has a redox potential from minus 7 mV to minus 57 mV, breast milk – minus 70 mV, the optimal environment for sperm motility – minus 130 mV. The entire internal environment of a person has a negative potential – i.e. it is negatively charged. Negative charge is the charge of electrons. This means that the internal environment of the body is saturated with electrons.
But drinks and the water we drink have a positive redox potential. When liquids, which have a much greater redox potential than the blood and internal environment of a person, penetrate the tissues of the human body, they take electrons from cells and tissues. As a result, the biological structures of the body undergo oxidative destruction. Oxidation processes lead to the formation of free radicals and underlie the emergence and development of many diseases of modern civilization and premature wear and tear of the body.
 In nature, the familiar Jemruk water (Armenia), the water of the Karlovy Vary health resort, the water of the world-famous Khunzakut spring, as well as melt water and dew have a negative redox potential.

Water with negative potential brings antioxidants to the body and helps with diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, arthritis, heart and kidney disease, adenoma, early aging and wear and tear of the body.

It is recommended to drink water with a negative redox potential and alkaline pH every day as drinking water! ONLY THEN YOU WILL KEEP YOUR HEALTH AND WILL BE AWAY FROM MANY DISEASES!

Gesund durch Wasser



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